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APAI Accreditation

"Morinus" School of Astrology

In 2025, our school received official accreditation from APAI (Association of Professional Astrology International). This organization, following the British Advisory Panel for Astrological Education (APAE), sets high standards in astrological education worldwide. This means that our level of teaching and the quality of predictive techniques have undergone independent verification and have been approved by the APAI Council.

There are not many schools in the world that have been granted this accreditation. Among them are the Australian Federation of Astrologers, founded in 1970, the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, established in 1948, the Olivia Barclay School, founded in 1984, the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), established in 1971, and others. Being on this list is a great honor.

The accreditation confirms that we teach effective predictive techniques that will help you avoid dangers and protect your loved ones.

For our graduates, this means that after completing our program and defending the DPRA (Diploma in Predictive Renaissance Astrology), you can become a member of APAI without exams and receive the internationally recognized title of MAPAI, which highlights your high status in the astrological world and your mastery of predictive techniques.

To earn your diploma, you must:

  • Pass the test at the end of the 1st course (VIP package) with a score of 76% or higher.
  • Pass the written exam at the end of the 2nd course with a score of 76% or higher.
  • Sign an agreement to strictly adhere to the Code of Ethics of our school.

Each diploma is protected by a QR code, which makes it easy to verify its authenticity.