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Example of Thematic Directions
Example of Thematic Directions

Natal Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

In this article, we will demonstrate how to make astrological predictions with monthly precision on any given topic.

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mundane, natal, and horary astrology.
What is the Difference Between Mundane, Natal, and Horary Astrology?

Astrology Basics Alexey Borealis

There are three types of predictive astrology - mundane, natal, and horary. What is the difference between them, and what do they study?

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Horary Astrology Techniques
Horary Astrology Techniques

Horary Astrology Alexey Borealis

An excellent reference for astrologers and beginners with a list of essential prognostic techniques in horary astrology. Recommended to bookmark.

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Transits to horary charts
Transits Relative to Horary Charts

Horary Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

Transits to horary charts are a new forecasting technique discovered accidentally during the hypothesis testing of the 17th-century astrologer and mat

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How to Predict Marriage Using Astrology
How to Predict Marriage Using Astrology: A Real-Life Example

Natal Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

Learn how to predict the exact day of marriage using astrology. Explore practical techniques of directions and returns to analyze your natal chart

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Stars and Fate
How Planets at Birth Determine Future Life Events and Decisions

Astrology Basics Alexey Borealis

Explore Jean-Baptiste Morin's theories on how planetary positions at birth impact future events and personal destiny.

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Accurate Astrology Prediction Using a Blind Chart
Accurate Astrological Prediction Using a Blind Chart

Natal Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

Using 17th-century astrology techniques, we can accurately predict key events of the year, even with a "blind" natal chart.

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History of Astrology
A Brief History of Astrology: From Its Early Days to the Present

Astrology Basics Alexey Borealis

Explore the evolution of astrology, from its mathematical roots to its decline and the origins of modern esoteric practices.

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Predictiong money
Astrology Forecast: Predicting Financial Gains with Precision

Horary Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

Learn how astrology accurately predicted the arrival of funds during a financial crisis for an Australian couple in January 2024.

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Top 3 Arguments Against Accurate Predictions
Modern Astrologers’ Top 3 Arguments Against Accurate Predictions

Critique of modern astrology Alexey Borealis

Discover the three main arguments modern astrologers use to dispute accurate forecasts and learn why these arguments may not hold up.

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