Self-paced, Pre-recorded Horary Astrology Course: Predict the Future with Precision and Protect Your Loved Ones from Life's Unexpected Blows!

Imagine how your loved ones’ lives will change when you can alert them to potential dangers. Not just sense something is coming, but know the exact dates and circumstances of significant events. This course is your guide into a world of astrology you can rely on in critical moments.

Every Day of Delay May Cost Your Loved Ones’ Happiness

Your family means everything. Yet every day, you face uncertainty: Will your husband’s promised bonus come through, and when? What hidden dangers might await your daughter in her new relationship? Who took your son’s money?

In a world filled with new challenges and anxieties every day, the ability to foresee the future becomes an invaluable gift to support those you love. Here’s how our graduates are already transforming their families’ lives:

I managed to save all my aunt’s savings by predicting the exact day the bank where she kept everything would collapse. I insisted she withdraw every cent. The next day, the bank went under…

Alexandra A., graduate from Russia

When my whole family was in desperate financial trouble, I was able to pinpoint the day financial help would arrive. This gave everyone strength to hang on. I still keep the check with that date as proof of my prediction.

Olga N., student from Australia

My prediction kept my family from buying a house that would have brought us huge losses. I foresaw that the owner was under international investigation, which turned out to be true—he had been hiding in another country for months, and the house was due to be seized. It’s scary to think what could have happened...

Natalie, 2023 graduate

Imagine having a tool that can help you predict the future down to the day. Based on ancient wisdom and modern science, our astrology course changes the game.

How It Works:

We’ve based our course on the teachings of Jean Morinus, a 17th-century professor of mathematics and astrology at Paris’ Royal College. His predictive system has been overlooked by most modern schools.

This course includes powerful software that performs unique calculations on a three-dimensional sphere, unavailable in other astrology programs.

Why Our Method Changes Lives When Other Schools Disappoint

University-Level Astrology

We teach astrology as it was at its height, when it was taught in Europe’s top universities—something no other school offers.

Logic Over Intuition

Our scientific approach has restored astrology’s former accuracy and reliability. Each prediction is based on rigorous logic and mathematical calculations. We firmly reject intuition.

Results We’re Truly Proud Of


graduates from English-speaking countries completed our course by November 2024 and are already helping their loved ones.

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On the 22nd of February 2022, we received a top rating of 9.7 out of 10 from the rating agency CourseMarks, which evaluated our course on 18 criteria.

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We rank in the top 4% of the best astrology courses worldwide, according to the CourseMarks rating agency.


The course has been recognized by APAI in the UK, and our program is highly valued in the international astrological community.

The course creator, Alexey Borealis, holds a Master’s in Science, is a professional astrologer, and author of numerous articles in top journals such as Correlations, ISAR, and ASPAS. He’s a speaker at international conferences and the author of astrology books and textbooks in multiple languages.

A Course Created with Love for Every Detail

Every Minute of Learning Is Packed with Meaning

We respect your time: what other schools stretch over hours, we deliver in 10 minutes.

Amazing Structure and Navigation

Instead of endless lectures “about nothing,” we give you 100 concise lessons covering 100 aspects of prediction, offering a complete understanding of the future. With this breakdown and easy navigation, you can find the topic you need in seconds.

Care for Your Convenience

We have prepared subtitles for each video and handouts for each lesson so that no one feels left out.

Real Predictions Only

You will make over 30 real predictions, where you can compare your results with reality. Each assignment, each prediction, touches someone’s life—it’s not just abstract examples.

Unique Software

We provide access to a unique astrology software that thoughtfully takes on many routine tasks, including elements of analysis and forecasting.

Detailed Explanation

We have prepared answers to every question and provide detailed explanations for each prediction in the homework. This knowledge-check system helps you grow confidently and truly develop forecasting skills.


  • Brief history: where modern zodiac sign astrology and psychology came from and how it differs from university-level astrology
  • Types of predictive astrology and their purposes. Did all the passengers of the Titanic have their deaths visible on the same day?
  • How planets create events: deterministic degrees of the Zodiac and the celestial imprint in the human nervous system
  • The influence of planets on group processes and the connection to horary astrology
  • What horary astrology can and cannot actually predict
  • Drawing a horoscope in an old English style: signs, planets, houses
Techniques of Horary Astrology
  • Signification techniques (introduction): houses rulership and the significators, derived houses and alternative rulers
  • Techniques for assessing the condition of external objects: accidental dignities of planets, specific properties of signs, fixed stars
  • Techniques for describing interactions of objects: reception and close aspects/antiscia
  • Predictive techniques: exact aspects, various techniques for determining the timing of an event
Signification Techniques: Houses
  • Universal rulership and terrestrial determination of planets
  • Primary and secondary houses, representation of secondary houses
  • Determination by signs and lords of the houses
  • Meaning of astrological houses
Descriptive Techniques: Accidental Dignities and Debilities of Planets
  • The reason for the emergence of states of exaltation, fall, triplicity and their connection with Primum Caelum
  • The state of planets and the state of objects in the context of group processes
  • The concept of logical synthesis
Descriptive Techniques and Interaction Techniques
  • Properties of signs
  • Reception of planets
  • Your first real prediction
Signification Techniques: House Rulership
  • Direct and derived houses, nuances of usage in natal and horary astrology
  • Alternative rulers of houses
  • Universal and accidental rulership of planets
  • The special role of the Moon in horary astrology: techniques for working with the Moon
Interaction Techniques: Close Aspects
  • Close aspects: meaning, usage
  • Orb of planets, their sizes and connection with astronomy
  • The strength of an aspect in relation to its shape
  • Effects of aspects due to receptions, degree of the aspect, form of the aspect and state of the planet
Predictive Techniques: Exact Aspects
  • Exact aspects and events, types of events in aspect
  • Places of formation of exact aspects and types of prohibitions
  • Translation, collection, and cutting off light
  • Planet loops in aspects
Additional Signification Techniques
  • Fixed stars: how to understand their significance — a universal algorithm
  • Arabian parts: the logic of their formation, what they mean, how to use them
  • Part of Fortune — its special role in horary astrology
Basic Timing Techniques
  • Symbolic time in aspects
  • Triggering transits
Radicality of the Chart
  • Highlighted objects in the question
  • Types of radicality, connection with emotional state and planetary transits
  • Algorithm for making predictions
  • Planet interfering with the question
  • Antiscia of planets and the radicality of the chart
  • Question on behalf of a group
  • Three ways the chart shows the future
  • Default option
Additional Timing Techniques
  • Long-term aspects
  • Time in ingressions
  • Transit (real) time
  • "Freezing" of significators
  • Aspects to cusps
  • Taking into account the speed of the planet
Accidental Strengthening/Weakening of a Planet
  • Position in houses
  • Eastern and western placement
  • Strengthening/weakening of the houses themselves
  • Strengthening/weakening by receiving aspects
  • Stationarity, retrogradation
  • Combustion and lunar nodes
  • Planet void of course and elevated planet
Special Forecasting Techniques
  • Eighth house questions
  • Marriage and relationships
  • Political elections
  • Search for missing and stolen items
  • Establishing paternity and pregnancy
  • Other questions
Health Astrology (available only in the VIP package)
  • Humors and elemental qualities
  • Connection of body organs, symptoms, houses, signs, and planets
  • Significator of disease
  • Gem astrology
  • External events related to illness
  • Exam and certificate (part of the Diploma Course)

See Real Student's Reviews

Get the facts before you enroll!

Choose Your Path to Helping Loved Ones:

Every year on the days of the equinoxes and solstices, we open a limited number of spots for new students in our course.

At the moment, there are only

You save 10% with one-time payment



You save $65

12-months access

93 lessons

19 modules

  • Base software2
  • Standard record of completion5
  • Access can be extended
  • No final test
  • Part of the Full Course4



You save $95

12-months access

100 lessons

20 modules

  • Advances software2
  • Record of Completion with Excellence3,5
  • Access can be extended
  • Final test
  • Part of the Full Course4



One-time payment

1-week access

16 lessons

5 modules

  • No software
  • No records of completion
  • No extensions
  • No final test
  • Part of the Full Course4
  • Depending on your country, a tax may be added to the price, as required by local laws
  • The basic astrology software includes modules for analyzing horary charts within the framework of forecasting. The advanced software includes a module on health astrology.
  • Record of Completion with Excellence is awarded if you score 65% or higher on the final test.
  • The Full Course includes successfully passing the test in horary astrology and the final test in the second part of the course (natal astrology) with a score of 76% or higher. Upon successful completion, the Statement of Completion in PRA (Predictive Renaissance Astrology) is awarded, recognized by the International Association of Professional Astrologers APAI.
  • This record/statement of completion is private and not government-issued. It is not officially recognized within the education system and does not grant the right to official employment or the performance of professional activities that require government accreditation or licensing.

Record of Completion

At the end of the course, you’ll receive a record with a unique number and QR code verifying your completion.



Click on the question to reveal the answer.

Yes, access extension is paid. The cost is $15/month for the VIP package and $12/month for the "Standard" package. Payments can be made either monthly or quarterly/annually if you are in the USA.

Yes, but in that case, you will need to pay for the entire course upfront. The monthly payment option with installments involves dripping content, meaning the lectures are released to you gradually over 6 months. You will not be able to access the content for the 5th or 6th month until the 5th or 6th automatic payment has been made.

This course was designed as a self-learning program. However, you can leave comments on our YouTube channel under videos with similar topics. We usually respond to questions there in a meaningful way.

Yes. Firstly, it is included when you extend access after finishing the course. Secondly, if you are a graduate, you are eligible for a discount if you purchase the software alone. Please contact technical support (contact details at the bottom of this website) to receive the discount when making payment.

Lessons are released in parts, once per month (with monthly payments). However, if you pay for the course in full, you can contact technical support (contact details in the footer of the page), and we will grant you access to all course materials immediately.

Anyone Can Become a Master of Prediction

We Carefully Guide Beginners

Start from scratch and reach new heights. No prior knowledge of astrology is required. The course is understandable even for a high school student.

Continuous Practice

Each lesson is a helpful guiding hand, with everything explained in detail and no filler content. One hundred lessons mean 100 small steps toward a big goal. Constant practice and homework strengthen your confidence.

Feel the Difference

Disappointment with Other Schools

  • Vague predictions that help no one
  • Endless lectures with little real substance, wasting your time
  • General promises without real predictions.

What You’ll Gain with Us

  • Skills for predicting exact dates and circumstances of events, often safeguarding loved ones’ futures
  • Concentrated knowledge for genuine help without any vague talk
  • Verifiable predictions and the pride of effectively supporting your loved ones.

This Course Is for You If:

  • Your heart aches when your loved ones face difficulties
  • You want to not just empathize but truly help
  • You value a rigorous, time-tested approach to helping people
  • You’re ready to learn to protect those who matter most

Start Your Path to Helping Others Now

Take care of your future and your loved ones’ future. Join our course to gain the knowledge that can help you predict significant events, avoid unexpected problems, and protect those you love. Enroll now, and together we’ll make your future predictable.

Enroll in the course

P.S. Every day, we receive messages of gratitude from students who were able to prevent disaster or guide their loved ones to happiness. “I saved my family’s savings,” “I averted a fateful decision,” “I helped in a moment of despair”...

Now imagine how your loved ones’ lives will change when you can do the same. They’ll know that someone by their side can see their future and protect them from hardships. And we’ll support you—clearly explaining the theory, giving you practice.