The Must-Have Book on Predictive Astrology

Mysteries of Medieval Astrology

Transformative Learning from Beginner to Expert

This comprehensive textbook takes you on a step-by-step journey from beginner to expert in predictive astrology. Each chapter is meticulously crafted to progressively build your skills, ensuring you gain a deep and practical understanding of making verifiable and accurate forecasts. You'll learn to confidently predict exact dates and details of events using time-tested techniques from medieval astrology.

Part I. Horary Astrology

Hundreds of Pages with Practical Tools

This book doesn't just teach you the abstract theory; it equips you with practical predictive tools. With this book, you'll be empowered to make precise astrological predictions of everyday events down to a day that you can immediately verify and trust.

Numerous Real-Life Examples and Detailed Predictions

Dive into a wealth of real-life examples and case studies that showcase the accuracy and application of horary astrology. Each example is meticulously detailed with specific dates and outcomes, providing you with a clear understanding of how to apply these methods to your own predictions.

Engaging Exercises to Master Your Skills

Enhance your astrological skills with a variety of exercises designed to test and refine your predictive abilities. These exercises are crafted to ensure you gain hands-on experience, making complex concepts more accessible and easier to master.

Part 1
Part 2

Part II. Natal Astrology

Unlock the Power of Primary Directions

This second book reveals how to predict key events—relocations, childbirth, career shifts—with stunning accuracy, down to a few days with primary direction, the most powerful and least known predictive technique.

Extensive Examples and Detailed Case Studies

Learn from numerous real-life examples and case studies that illustrate how primary directions, revolutions (planetary returns), and transits can be applied to predict events. Each example is thoroughly detailed, offering specific dates and outcomes from the lives of various individuals to enhance your understanding.

Rich in Visual Aids: Tables and Illustrations

Benefit from an abundance of tables, charts, and illustrations that make complex astrological techniques more accessible. These visual aids are designed to help you grasp intricate concepts and apply them effectively in your own practice.

Special Offer

In connection with the release of the book on July 8, 2024, the book will be available on Amazon Kindle for free in exchange for your review after reading it.

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