Astrology Houses Explained

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Astrology Houses Explained

May 11, 2024, 6:13 p.m. Alexey Borealis 6 min. to read

Astrology houses are heavenly sectors responsible for a specific area of ​​human life.

This article gives the most detailed overview of astrological houses—what houses are in astrology, how to use them, what they look like, and what they are responsible for.


What Houses Do in Astrology

Astrological houses cause (or determine) a planet to manifest in a specific sphere of life.

For example, Jupiter naturally represents people of high social status, but being in the 12th house of hidden enemies will indicate your high-ranking enemies. And being in the 2nd house of money will indicate periods of your financial well-being. As you can see, due to the influence of the astrological house, Jupiter begins to play completely different roles.

Usually, a planet is determined by several houses simultaneously. This means Venus can simultaneously indicate diseases, money, and love affairs, depending on its connection with astrological houses.

Houses determine the same planet with varying degrees of strength. For example, Venus in the 12th house of natal astrology will primarily indicate diseases and only then anything else.

For more details on how houses technically influence a planet, read the article on the terrestrial state of the planet.

What do the astrology houses look like?

Ascendant and Descendant

Imagine a celestial sphere with a zodiacal circle (as shown in the picture). The horizon line (marked in red) divides the zodiacal belt into two parts. The upper part is above the head, while the lower is under the feet.


Fig.1—Ascending sign (ASC) and descending sign (DSC).

  • The Zodiac sign, located on the eastern horizon, is called the Ascendant.
  • The opposite sign is called the Descendant.

For example, in the picture above, you see that Aries is descending.

IC and MC

Divide the celestial sphere mentally into two parts—right and left. Imagine a dividing line—from north to south via zenith. This line also cuts the zodiacal circle into two pieces (see the picture below).


Fig. 2 Medium Coeli (MC) and Imum Coeli (IC).

The Zodiac sign, which happened to be on the cutting line, stands above all others. It is called the culminating sign or MC (from the Latin Medium Coeli—the middle of the sky).

On the other hand, the opposite sign is below all others. It is called a falling sign or IC (from the Latin Imum Coeli—the bottom of the sky).

In the picture below, the sign of Cancer culminates, and Capricorn falls.

The angles of the chart

These four essential points—Asc, Dsc, MC, and IC—form heavenly angles.

They divide the Zodiac circle into four unequal segments. Each of these segments, in turn, is divided into three further unequal segments. Altogether, these 12 sectors are called The Astrological Houses of the Chart (see the figure below).

S N ASC DSC MC IC 1 2 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

Fig. 3 Twelve astrological houses.

Astrology house system

The way the space between the chart's angles is split is called the astrological house system.

Astrologers proposed their algorithms for dividing the zodiacal circle. The house systems are named after these astrologers.

As such, there is a system Placidus, Koch, Regiomontanus, etc.

There is a common terminology:

  • The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are called angular;
  • The 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th are called succedent, and
  • The 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses are called cadent houses or “falling from angles of the chart.”

House Meanings in Horary Astrology

Now let’s explore the meaning of the astrological houses. When I say “meaning,” I imply the particular aspects of the querent’s life where the planet is determined to manifest if it rules or occupies the corresponding house.

The opposite houses often have opposite meanings. Therefore, it will be more convenient to consider houses in pairs. Let’s start with the axis of the 1st and 7th houses.

1-7 Houses

The 1st house denotes the querent himself, his body, health and safety, talents, and abilities. In contrast, the 7th house denotes all other people who keep up with the querent, not lower or higher in the social hierarchy, and not the blood relatives. Lovers, husbands and wives, business partners, and competitors fall into this category. Consultants, attending physicians, the other party in a deal, or anyone with whom the querent interacts equally are also appropriate examples. 7th house also includes open enemies and allies.

The 1st house denotes the querent’s current place, his “here.” This location could be the house where he lives or the hotel he is staying in. In contrast, the 7th house denotes the opposite place. You can treat it literally—a room opposite the querent’s room, a house across the street, etc. Or it may mean a new place to which the querent wants to move.

2-8 Houses

The following two houses are 2nd and 8th. The second house shows the querent’s resources. It can be his savings—cash, bank account, or stock. It can be his movable possessions—a car, furniture, or clothes. The 2nd house shows people who support the querent in challenging times—his closest advisers, seconds in a duel, lawyers in court. The 8th house, in contrary, shows the resources and the circle of trust of your opponents, partners or other people, signified by the 7th house.

The 2nd house shows the material entry points—food, throat, and eating places, like food courts and cafes. The opposite 8th house represents material exit points—toilets, bathrooms where we wipe off the dirt, and death, as a great liberation from material bonds.

3-9 Houses

Now let’s look at the axis of 3rd and 9th houses. The 3rd house traditionally represents the territory close or familiar to the querent. In the physical sense, these are neighboring houses and neighbors. It is movement along familiar routes—a trip to work or the store.

In contrast, the 9th house points to distant, unexplored territories. These are foreign countries, foreigners, and special trips, such as a trip on a long-awaited vacation or a pilgrimage.

In a psychic sense, the close, familiar territory is the essential skill laid in childhood. It is literacy, primary education, and school. It is a primary skill that does not require substantial intellectual effort—the ability to clean, type on a computer, etc. The 3rd house is responsible for this.

The opposite 9th house shows unique, higher knowledge that one must earn. It also notes the places where one acquires this knowledge. These are higher education and universities, libraries, and scientists. Also, religion, the church, and the keepers of this sacred knowledge—priests—traditionally belong to the 9th house. Also, special knowledge includes wisdom acquired over the years.

The 3rd house shows everything related to daily communications—the Internet, email, communication hubs, and post offices. The 9th house, on the contrary, shows supreme communication—prophetic dreams, prophecies and prophets, monasteries, and places of deep prayers and meditation.

3rd House shows pupils, 9th—teachers. 3rd house shows close relatives—siblings & cousins, and 9th house—distant relatives—brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law.

Let’s do a short exercise before we go further with the houses.

4-10 Houses

It is the vertical axis, so it denotes the top-bottom symbolism. The 4th house shows your social start—your family roots. It shows your family home, your parents, and your grandparents. In contrast, the 10th house shows your social zenith—your profession, work, social success, and recognition.

4th house shows ground & lands. It shows underground places (wells, graves, buried treasures, metro). It also denotes the querent’s land, property, and everything that grows on it—trees and plants. In contrast, the 10th house indicates heights—mountains, hills, roofs, and upper floors.

The 4th house represents the father (at least in patriarchal societies), and the 10th house denotes the mother (as it is the opposite house of spouses relative to the 4th house).

5-11 Houses

The 5th house indicates pleasure. It could be a pleasant process of creativity and the results of that creativity. For example, it could be books the querent wrote for fun, or pictures he created, or hobbies he has.

The most apparent pleasure is sex and its result—the conception of children. Therefore, pregnancy and children are the particular meanings of the 5th house.

The 5th house is a house of fun and pleasant places. It can show a barbecue party, the theater, nightclub, cinema, etc.

Partners who share querent’s hobbies and passions become his friends. Maybe that is the reason why the opposite, the 11th house, shows querent’s close friends.

6-12 Houses

Traditionally, the 6th house indicates humble and hard labor or service to one’s master. It also shows servants. Nowadays, these are people who serve the querent and follow his instructions. It is a project team member if the querent is a team leader; it is a house-keeper who provides a long-term service to the querent.

The 6th house also denotes small animals—cats, dogs, chickens, goats, pigs, etc. In contrast, the 12th house shows large animals—horses, cows, buffaloes.

The 12th house represents diseases, including addictions of any type—alcoholic, narcotic, sexual.

The 12th house shows envious people and hidden enemies—those who weave a web of lies against the querent or attack from behind. It also denotes everything hidden from the querent’s eyes in the literal sense of the word, which is why this house is often called the house of secrets.

The 12th house also indicates imprisonment, captivity, and exile.

N.B.: Understanding the question context is crucial. Different houses will describe the same object depending on the context. For instance, if you were buying a car and trying to assess its quality, the vehicle is an item, the 2nd house. In a question about safe driving in that car, you are interested in the vehicle as a space where you are on the road. You are concerned about that place’s safety and your body’s safety—that’s a 1st house question.

Main Confusions with Houses

Incorrect Correct
6th house—employment Office work—10th house. Labor under duress (servitude, nursing the sick, cleaning cesspools, survival work—this is the 6th house)
2nd house shows health 1st house shows health and the state of the body
5th house shows lovers 7th house shows lovers. Sex, things for pleasure, and children—this is the 5th house
8th house—sex or spiritual transformations Sex—5th house, death—8th house. There is no house for transformations
12th house—monasteries Only in times when monasteries were places of exile. Normally, they are places of prayer, 9th house
4th house—the outcome of all things, particularly life. That is, death and the grave 4th house shows burial places (cemeteries), but not the death of the native
10th house—father Family and lineage in general—this is the 4th house. In the patriarchal era, the 4th house was attributed to the head of the family, the father. The mother was assigned the 10th as the opposite of the father's house

P.S. everything you have learned from this article is just a small extract from our astrology course. If you would like to explore these topics more on a deeper level and make your accurate prediction, take a free preview of the course by clicking below.


Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (QHC, DMA). About the author