Category "Natal Astrology" Page 1/2

Accurate Astrology Prediction Using a Blind Chart
Accurate Astrological Prediction Using a Blind Chart

Natal Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

Using 17th-century astrology tools, we can accurately predict key events of the year, even with a "blind" natal chart

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How to Read a Natal Chart?
How to Read a Natal Chart?

Natal Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

There are five classic steps to reading any natal chart. This article will show you how to do it with an example.

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Example of Thematic Directions
Example of Thematic Directions

Natal Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

In this article, we will demonstrate how to make astrological predictions with monthly precision on any given topic.

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Terrestrial State Assessment Example
Terrestrial State Assessment Example

Natal Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

How to understand how an astrological house causes a planet to manifest in a specific area of life? A real-life example.

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Celestial State Assessment Example
Celestial State Assessment Example

Natal Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

How to understand what exactly a planet does in the natal chart by assessing its celestial state. A real-life example.

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Example of a Fatal Transit
Example of a Fatal Transit

Natal Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

Transits are not an independent forecasting technique. To understand how transits actually work, let's consider the example of the King of Sweden.

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Transits in astrology
How Do Transits Actually Work in Astrology?

Natal Forecasting Techniques Alexey Borealis

What are transits in astrology and can they predict various minor daily events? Let's figure It out together.

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Solar Return Chart
What is the Solar Return Chart?

Natal Forecasting Techniques Alexey Borealis

The solar return is a clarifying technique that describes events shown by directions. Read the beginner's guide on how to read a solar chart.

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Princess Diana's death
Princess Diana: Death Prediction by Primary Directions

Natal Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

Example of predicting death using primary directions. Find where in Princess Diana's horoscope her death is visible.

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Realisation of direction
How to Understand Whether the Direction Will Take Effect

Natal Forecasting Techniques Alexey Borealis

The primary direction takes effect only if the promoter and significator are bright accidental malefic, or benefic planet. Know why.

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