Category "Primary Direction Calculation" Page 1/1

Advanced Primary Direction Calculation Alexey Borealis
A complete guide for astrologers: calculating a primary direction in the Placidus house system with mathematical formulas.
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Advanced Primary Direction Calculation Alexey Borealis
A complete guide for astrologers on how to calculate a primary direction in the Regiomontanus house system with math formulas.
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Advanced Primary Direction Calculation Alexey Borealis
Antiscia is a point symmetrical to the planet's degree. But if the planet deviates from the ecliptic, it has two antisсia. Let's illustrate it.
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Advanced Primary Direction Calculation Alexey Borealis
The main question in primary directions is which plane to use for aspects. It is not the equator or the ecliptic. Let's explore the right approach.
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Advanced Primary Direction Calculation Alexey Borealis
Planets conjunct each other spatially when their mundane positions coincide. What is it, and how can it be calculated? Learn more from this article.
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Advanced Primary Direction Calculation Alexey Borealis
What does the spatial connection of two planets look like in the Placidus house system? Get acquainted with the equations of mundane positions.
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- Astrology Basics
- Horary Astrology
Mathematics of the Celestial Sphere
- House Systems
- Primary Direction Calculation
- Spherical Geometry
- Natal Astrology