Category "Astro-Gemology" Page 1/1

Beginner Astro-Gemology Alexey Borealis
Find out which gems are connected to Saturn and what properties they have. Details in the article!
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Beginner Astro-Gemology Alexey Borealis
Which stones are considered Jupiterian, and what are their common properties? Read the article to discover their effects!
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Beginner Astro-Gemology Alexey Borealis
Which gems correspond to Mars, and how can they influence your life? This article contains a complete list of their characteristics.
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Beginner Astro-Gemology Alexey Borealis
Which stones belong to Venus, what do they have in common, and what is their unique feature? Read the article for the exact answer!
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Beginner Astro-Gemology Alexey Borealis
Mercurian stones: which minerals carry Mercury’s energy and how do they work? All the details in the article!
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Beginner Astro-Gemology Alexey Borealis
Which stones are considered lunar, and what are their common properties? Read the article to discover their characteristics!
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Beginner Astro-Gemology Alexey Borealis
Which gems are connected to the Sun’s energy, and what are their properties? Read the article to learn more!
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Beginner Astro-Gemology Alexey Borealis
Discover how gemstones interact with planets in gem astrology and lithotherapy. Read the answers in the article.
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