Category "Astrology Basics" Page 1/2

Four Types of Determination
Four Types of Determination

States of the Planets Alexey Borealis

What are the types of planetary determination? How is it used in astrology, and why is it important for any astrologer to know?

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Local Horizon and Celestial Sphere
Local Horizon and Celestial Sphere

Celestial Geometry Alexey Borealis

How the celestial sphere and the points of equinoxes and solstices appear from the perspective of an Earth-based observer. The connection of these poi

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Zodiac Signs, Constellations, and Precession
Zodiac Signs, Constellations, and Precession

Celestial Geometry Alexey Borealis

How tropical signs differ from sidereal signs. What precession and astrological ages are. Is there an Ophiuchus sign?

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The Ecliptic, Solstice, and Equinox
The Ecliptic, Solstice, and Equinox

Celestial Geometry Alexey Borealis

The four important points of the zodiac circle: How they appear on the celestial sphere. An article for beginner astrologers.

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mundane, natal, and horary astrology.
What is the Difference Between Mundane, Natal, and Horary Astrology?

Astrology Basics Alexey Borealis

There are three types of predictive astrology - mundane, natal, and horary. What is the difference between them, and what do they study?

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The meaning of the planets
The Meaning of the Planets in Astrology

Astrology Basics Alexey Borealis

This helpful reference article lists planets and their associated objects. We recommend bookmarking this post for future reference.

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Astrology Houses Explained
Astrology Houses Explained

States of the Planets Alexey Borealis

What is the meaning of houses in astrology? How to use them, and what do they look like? The archetypes of astrology houses. A beginner's guide.

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Terrestrial determination
Terrestrial State of the Planet

States of the Planets Alexey Borealis

The terrestrial state of a planet is how the astrological house "forces" the planet to manifest in a specific area of life.

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The Effect of Planetary Aspects
The Effect of Planetary Aspects

Aspects Alexey Borealis

How planets act through their aspects and why the same planet produces different effects. Favorable and Unfavorable aspects and their strengths.

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Aspects in Astrology
What are the Aspects and Orbs in Astrology?

Aspects Alexey Borealis

Planetary aspects are miniature copies of planets placed at distances of 60, 90, 120, and 180 degrees from the planet itself.

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