Prediction: When Will the Coronavirus Epidemic End?

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When Will the Coronavirus Go Away?

May 17, 2024, 7:56 a.m. Advanced Alexey Borealis 4 min. to read

The querent asked, "When will the coronavirus epidemic end?" He was also interested in whether humanity would survive the epidemic.


Expectations From the Horary Chart

With this question, I expect the ruler of the 12th house (serious illness, in the context of the question—the epidemic) to be highlighted. I also expect the chart to show me the ruler of the 12th house's influence on the 1st house (the querent) and the time when this influence will cease.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 v 14º 40' a 04º 43' s 19º 52' d 03º 34' d 12º 27' d 22º 36' f 14º 40' j 04º 43' k 19º 52' l 03º 34' l 12º 27' l 22º 36' W 08º a 42' { 07º f 54' T 18º l 11' } 07º v 54' Y 13º v 17' U 24º v 50' Q 09º x 46' E 23º x 01' < 13º c 36' R 19º c 48' Jan 30, 202008:28:00UTC+03:0030º E 37', 59º N 45' 10º 15º 20º 25º 30º W a Q x Y v T l R c E x U v

Indeed, the ruler of the 12th is noteworthy in this chart:

  • It is a debilitated planet of an airy nature.
  • It is a planet pressing on the 1st house (literally, putting pressure on the querent).
  • Jupiter—the ruler of the 12th house—controls the Part of Fortune (the querent's deep motives).
  • The South Node is located in the 12th house, which amplifies the malefic nature of this house.

I also see that personal safety (the 1st house of the querent) is essential in the question:

  • The ruler of the 1st house is in the 1st house (the querent deeply concerns the matters of the 1st house).
  • The Part of Fortune (the deep essence of the question) is also in the 1st house.

The Impossibility of Making a Prediction Based on Jupiter

However, in this disposition, I have no tools to determine when Jupiter's influence will cease. The fact is that Jupiter, in its primary motion, is moving away from the Ascendant, but as it moves away, its influence gradually diminishes. Therefore, I can't say how many degrees Jupiter must move away from the Ascendant to specify the exact end time of the epidemic. On the other hand, in its secondary motion, Jupiter is approaching the Ascendant, which indicates a near-term intensification of the epidemic. But I cannot look beyond this immediate trend.

Therefore, although Jupiter perfectly describes an airborne illness with widespread distribution (according to Jupiter's nature), it is entirely unsuitable for determining timing. Thus, the chart has prepared another significator for us to consider.

Searching for Another Significator

Look, two of the querent's planets, Saturn and the Moon, are under Mars's control. This means that Mars is extremely important for the querent. This Mars is not incidental — it is directly connected with Jupiter, the planet of the epidemic: Mars is in exact antiscia conjunction and mutual reception with Jupiter.

The question arises — what does Mars show, and how is it related to the context of the question? My first thought was that Mars is the natural significator of inflammations. Then, being in the dignities of Jupiter — the natural significator of the lungs — it could show widespread lung inflammations. But I dismissed this thought. Why would the chart make it so complicated to show the epidemic through Jupiter and then through a separate planet of inflammations? It would be highly unreasonable behavior for a horary chart. Especially since, unlike natal astrology, we follow the rule — one object, one significator.

Thus, Mars must show something else closely related to the illness. The question also included the concern of humanity's survival. In such questions, the querent often fears for themselves — and the highlighted 1st house confirms this. Therefore, there is almost certainly a veiled fear of querent's death from inflammation under such a formulation. Let's test this version.


  • Mars rules most of the querent's 8th house, becoming its co-ruler.
  • At the same time, Mars indicates inflammations, which aligns well with its co-rulership of the 8th house of death.
  • Simultaneously, Mars is closely connected with Jupiter — in secret conjunction and mutual reception — indicating potential death from inflammation related to the epidemic.
  • Finally, Mars is secretly connected with the Ascendant. Although the querent is concerned about his safety, he prefers not to speak directly about it, linking his question to the fate of all humanity.

Mars is quite suitable as the significator of the fear of the querent's death due to illness, which secretly worries the querent. Unlike Jupiter, Mars is much more convenient for determining timing.


  • Mars cannot afflict the Ascendant as it does not cast an aspect on it, and its antiscia on the cusp of the 1st house falls into the place of Mars' exaltation, making it harmless concerning the querent's body.
  • Mars does not behold Saturn, and the Moon cannot reach Mars—its light is intercepted by other planets. This alone indicates that death will not occur.
  • Furthermore, both querent's planets are under Mars' control. But since we know that death will not occur, the fears will eventually pass. It will happen when both of the querent's planets leave the place where they are so deeply concerned with Mars — the question of their possible death.
  • Now, we can answer the last question using the method of planetary ingress into a new sign. The number of degrees until ingress will indicate the number of time units until the querent's fears dissipate.

I want to emphasize this point in advance. Based on this chart, we will not be able to say precisely when the coronavirus will end worldwide. But we will be able to determine when the querent will stop worrying about his own safety as public panic subsides in his local area. So, the true question is not when the virus will leave the planet Earth but when the panic will subside, when things will settle down, and when will my personal fears dissipate."


Saturn has about 5 degrees left, which means 5 time units until it exits the zone of worry about Mars. On the other hand, the Moon will stop worrying about Mars in 21.3 degrees.

Thus, after the specified period, the question about the virus will be off the agenda — this will be when the panic subsides, and Moscow (the city where the querent lives) returns to everyday life. These two periods correlate well with each other.

  • 21.3 weeks = 150 days.
  • 150 days = five months (those same 5 degrees).

So, we need to be prepared that the turmoil will continue and subside in Moscow five months from the time of the question, that is, by the end of June—early July 2020.

Prediction Outcome

Events unfolded as follows. In June, Moscow Mayor Sobyanin announced lifting the quarantine regime (thus relieving the sense of uncertainty for all residents, including the querent). According to his statement, "Starting from June 16, summer verandas of restaurants and cafes will open in Moscow, and a week later—stationary establishments." By July 9, the mask-wearing regime was lifted, and parks and attractions reopened.

Thus, life returned to an everyday routine by the end of June — early July. The panic subsided by early July when people flocked to parks and squares. However, this did not mean the end of the epidemic — it was the end of the panic.

The horary chart unequivocally answered the querent's actual question.

Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (MAPAI). About the author