How To Read a Horary Chart?

BlogHorary AstrologyForecasting Horary Techniques
How To Read a Horary Chart

May 8, 2024, 7:20 p.m. Intermediate Alexey Borealis 7 min. to read

The principle of minimalism lies at the bottom of the accurate forecast with mathematical accuracy. A wise astrologer extracts only the most necessary information from the horary chart, ignoring everything else.

And he creates the analysis plan before he casts the chart. Otherwise, the horoscope interpretation will turn into fortune-telling on coffee grounds based on free associations, where every detail is equally essential.

To draw up a clear plan for the card analysis, the astrologer usually follows five steps:

  1. Highlight the main significators and ensure the chart is radical (i.e., contains the answer to the voiced question);
  2. Make a minimum list of techniques to use in the context of the question;
  3. Clearly state why you are going to apply a particular technique and what you expect from it;
  4. Determine the condition of a positive answer - what results do you expect to make a solid judgment;
  5. Express the list of techniques in terms of elementary action you will follow - it will be a plan of analysis.


The Algorithm Flowchart

This flowchart indicates the full algorithm of interpretation of the horary chart. It also includes radicality assessment steps, which are not included in this article.

Separate the contextfrom the quesited Is chart radical? yes Stop consultation no no yes List of indications which give positive answer Make you judgment Does thechart highlight somethingelse? Find planets-significators Assess chart'sradicality Create a list oftechniques to apply Clearly state whyyou use them Create a list of elementaryactions to perform Define a criteriafor positive answer Cast the chart and followthe plan. Look for indicationsof positive answer

A Short Example

For example, in the question "will there be a divorce and when" these five steps look like this:

Step 1. Highlight the necessary significators:

  • We choose only the planets of the husband and wife - and nothing more;
  • We ensure that the chart is radical, and you can work with it.

** Step 2 **. Make a suitable list of techniques for analysis:

  • Divorce is not a contact between two objects. Therefore, the exact aspects technique doesn't suit us.
  • Divorce is a logical consequence of losing feelings for a partner. So we need to find out how feelings will change. And for feelings, the reception is responsible;
  • So we will only choose the technique of receptions - and nothing more;

** Step 3 **. State the expectation - what effect do the selected techniques produce in the context of the question:

We know that the partners are together at the moment. But very soon, they can divorce. So we are not interested in the current reception (present feelings), but in their future change.

  • Analysis of current receptions will show existing feelings:
    • We will see everything that holds two partners in marriage (mutual feelings, a joint business, property obligations, etc.).
    • Also, we will see if the desire of partners to divorce is strong.
  • Analysis of future receptions will show:
    • The possible disappearance of motivations that binds both partners together
    • The terms of this disappearance.

** Step 4 **. What is the condition (the criteria) of a positive answer?

  • If the motive to stay together remains unchanged, no divorce will occur.
  • If this joining reception breaks up, a divorce will happen. In this case, we also:
    1. Look at the time of reception change to indicate the date of the divorce.
    2. Look at which of the two partners wishes to divorce more strongly to indicate the initiator.

** Step 5 **. Draw up a chart analysis plan on paper.

At this step, we map each technique to the elementary action.

For example:

A step in the analysis Eelementary action
We look for factors that keep both partners together in marriage (according to reception) We determine whether there is a common dispositor that governs both of the significators. If so, we look at which house it rules (what the area of life which unites partners)
We look for signs of the rapid decay of these uniting factors We determine whether there is a change of reception in the next 2-3 degrees of the planetary movement

** Step 6 **. Only now can we safely cast the chart.

We do not wander on the chart's surface, looking for something that draws our attention. Instead, we go strictly according to the list of elementary actions:

  • We look for a common disposition of both the planets of the husband and wife.
  • We find which house it rules and what it means.
  • We look for signs of a future reception change in the following 2-3 degrees. It happens if one of the significators enters a new sign.


Detailed Example With Comments

This example demonstrates the preparation of a chart analysis plan for the question, "which of the two men is the father of my child." It is important to remember that you only cast the chart if you have a plan of elementary actions to apply.

Who is the Quesited here?

The main subject of the question is two potential fathers. So we need two significators - one for each candidate.

Do we consider these candidates alone or in connection with the child? Of course, in a relationship with the child. Therefore, we must introduce the third planet - the child's significator.

So, we will have three main planets for analysis:

  • The potential father No. 1;
  • The potential father No. 2;
  • The child.

** Note **. The client's significator (querent) is always in use by default. We need it, at least, to evaluate the radicality of the chart.

The Selection of Appropriate Technique

There are several basic techniques in our arsenal, which we can use for the analysis of the selected significators:

  1. The techniques to select the right significator (signification techniques)
  2. Essential dignity;
  3. Receptions;
  4. Accidental strengthening;
  5. Exact aspects;
  6. Close aspects.

Which of these techniques is suitable in our case?

Signification techniques

Since there are astrological houses for potential fathers and for a child, we will choose the technique of house rulership to determine which planets play signifies the quesited. We follow the principle that "the accidental signification of the planet (as a ruler of the house) is stronger than the natural one" (except perhaps a few rare occasions).

Since the same house describes two potential fathers, we will additionally choose additional signification techniques to separate one father from another:

  • Alternative rulership of the astrological house;
  • Inheritance of the sign properties to determine which planet signifies which man.

Essential state

This technique shows the significator's quality, answering the question "is it good/bad," "is it helpful or destructive," or "how does it feel." Do we need to know the quality of the fathers, or how does the child feel? No, this is not applicable in the context of the question.


This technique shows the type of relationship between the significators. We are trying to establish a connection (in the context of the question - a genetic one) between the child and one of the men. Therefore, we will pick up this technique for analysis.

Accidental Strengthening

It Shows the strength/weakness of the planets, that is, how easy or difficult the significator manifest. Do we need to know something about the strength or weaknesses of men or a child? No.

Exact Aspects

Aspects show past or future events. For example, conception from a particular man is a form of a past event. So we will choose this technique for analysis.

Close Aspects

Indicate the influence of the significator on another or long-lasting close relationship between them. For example, we know that the child has a genetic relationship with one of the men. Therefore we can pick up this technique.

So, we have a list of techniques for determining significators:

We also have a list of techniques that we apply to the selected Significures:

  • Receptions;
  • Exact aspects;
  • Close aspects.

Expected Result (Why We Use Selected Techniques)

Let's clearly define why we will use selected techniques - what result do we expect?

Technique Why do we use it
House rulership 7th house and its ruler will show one of two fathers
Alternative ruler of the 7th house Planet at the 7th house cusp or the ruler of the sign following the descendant will show the second candidate
Sign properties inheritance Compare the appearance of two men with what the chart suggests based on the signs in which candidates fall. Thus, determine which planet will show the first man and which - the second.
Reception If the planet of the child is in the power of the planet of one of the men, it will indicate that the child (genetically in context) originates from that man.
Exact aspects The exact past contact between the child and one of the men (past conception in a context) will indicate the paternity of that man.
The close aspect of the child's planets and the potential father Indicates a close (genetic in context) connection between the child and one of the fathers.

What Do We Need to Give an Accurate Answer?

What do we expect to see in a chart to give a positive answer? To determine paternity, we expect to see at least one of three indications:

  • Reception between the signs of the child and the signs of one of the men (genetic connection);
  • The last contact between the child's signs and the significator of one of the men (past conception).
  • Close aspect - close ( in a context - genetic) connection.

Any of these confirmations will suit us.

The Analysis Plan

If we express our steps in terms of elementary actions, we will have the following analysis plan:

  • Take the planet that shows the child
  • Take the ruler of the 7th for the first candidate for the fathers
  • Take the planet at the 7th house cusp. If there is no such a planet, take the ruler of the sign next to the DSC for the second candidate
  • Make sure the chart is radical (highlighting one of three planets or the 7th or 5th houses).
  • Look at the signs where the planets of fathers reside to understand which of them is who.
  • Look at the reception between the child's planet to the planets of the fathers. If there is one, answer. If not, continue searching.
  • Look at the last aspect of the father-child. If there is one, answer. If not, continue.
  • Look at the close aspect between child and father. If there is one, answer.

Now, Cast the Chart

Only now, when you plan to analyze the chart on hands, can you cast a chart and follow the analysis, ignoring everything else (at least until you have an answer).

Note. One of the most common errors in the analysis is paying attention to unnecessary (irrelevant) details. For example, when analyzing the paternity question, an astrologer may notice the Vendimiatrix - a divorce star - on top of the 7th house and conclude that one of the fathers has recently divorced. Then this logic forces the astrologer to pay attention to the current family of the man. The astrologer may find the antiscia conjunction of the man with another planet and make a judgment about his lover. Such an approach directs an astrologer away from the main question. The algorithm for analyzing the chart allows you to focus on the main things and ignore irrelevant details.

What Unpleasant Surprises Can We Encounter?

Radical charts usually show a clear picture. But if the chart is not "blurred," the astrologer may detect it at the consideration stage. The chart begins to contradict itself. For example,

  • Significator of one of the fathers and the child is on the same planet. Technically, further analysis is impossible. This is called technical locking of the dignificators
  • The chart shows at the same time paternity of both men or the absence of one.

In such cases, this signals an astrologer to return to the beginning of the consultation and re-evaluate the chart's radicality to understand the real question.

In our example, one highlighted house could be the 2nd house of money. Initially, we ignored it since it was out of context. But now it's time to give it attention.

A further conversation with the client can show that one of the most critical topics is the presence of finances for the baby. So then you need to expand the consultation in the area of the 2nd house and compile a new algorithm that answers the question "whether I have money" or "whether the child's father will help me financially and at which degree" and so on. And then, you will receive an adequate answer from the chart prepared for you.

It is a regular practice of an astrologer. Read more about this case in "Confusion With Significators in Horary Charts."


Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (MAPAI). About the author