How to Predict Marriage Using Astrology: A Real-Life Example

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How to Predict Marriage Using Astrology

Oct. 19, 2024, 9:09 a.m. Alexey Borealis 14 min. to read

In this article, I will show how, using the methods of Morinus—a 17th-century professor of mathematics and astrologer from the Royal College in Paris—you can predict the exact date of an event. You will learn how predictive astrology works, which we teach in our school.

We have the natal chart of a young woman, and our goal is to determine the exact date of her wedding.

Date: Apr 04, 198806:46:00 UTC+04:0037º E 37', 55º N 45'REGIOMNT.Complete AspectPartial Aspect1a05º16'2d02º30'3d20º51'4f01º37'5f12º39'6g02º34'7j05º16'8l02º30'9l20º51'10v01º37'11v12º39'12x02º34'Q14ºa33'Y05ºs51'R00ºd24'<25ºj06'W04ºk23'U02ºv31'T28ºv07'E28ºc35'10º15º20º25º30ºRdUvWkYsQaTvEc



Choosing Planets Related to the 7th House

The 7th house governs love and marriage. There are several planets associated with it:

  • First, the Moon, which is located in the 7th house.
  • Second, the planets that, according to Morinus, accidentally govern the 7th house by being positioned in the opposite 1st house—Mercury, the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus.
  • Additionally, the ruler of the 7th house—Venus. It is already included in our list.

Although Venus appears to be on the cusp of the 1st house, this is not the case. We only see the projection of Venus onto the zodiacal circle, whereas, in reality, it is situated in the middle of the 1st house.

Look at this image. The segments on the sphere represent the houses. Astrological programs show houses as sections of the zodiacal circle, but in reality, they are segments of space. Venus is positioned in the middle of the first sector, not at its lower edge.

Earth Horizon Horizon North_axis СеверN Domes

Venus on 3D sphere

This is because Venus was slightly above the ecliptic at birth. The projection of Venus onto the zodiacal circle creates the illusion that it is close to the boundary of the 2nd house, but this impression is deceptive. Similarly, Mercury is physically in the 1st house below the horizon, even though its projection falls into the 12th house.

Determining the Planet Most Likely to Bring Marriage

Thus, the five planets are related to the 7th house. But which one is most likely to lead to marriage?

We use the following approach:

  1. Since marriage is a favorable event, the planet that brings it should not be malefic. We exclude planets that are in detriment, fall or are in poor celestial state. Thus, we immediately exclude the Moon.
  2. We select those that naturally govern marriage or a spouse among the remaining planets. Venus symbolizes marriage, so it remains on our list. The husband is represented by the Sun and Jupiter, but we prefer the Sun because:
    • It is in a place of exaltation, meaning it is maximally productive concerning favorable houses.
    • It is closer to the cusp of the 1st house, which strengthens its connection to the opposite 7th house.
    • The Sun, rather than Jupiter, symbolizes the masculine principle, i.e., the leader of the hierarchy, which indicates a man in the context of the patriarchal family model.

Thus, we are left with two planets capable of bringing marriage—Venus and the Sun.

Aspects of Planets as "Containers" of Promises (Promissors)

Each planet carries multiple meanings. For example, in this chart, the Sun:

  • Symbolizes the native and her fame, being in the 1st house.
  • Represents the future husband, as it is opposite the 7th house and naturally symbolizes husbands.
  • Indicates relief from hard work, ruling the 6th house while also counteracting its influence by being a noble planet that brings relief rather than destruction.

But at specific points in time, a planet reveals only one of its roles. These roles manifest at the points of its aspects, where certain facets of the planet are revealed. Thus, the most favorable aspect of the Sun is the trine at 14 degrees Leo.

A trine creates a "copy" of the Sun, reflecting the best qualities of an exalted luminary, and it falls into the sign of Leo—the domicile of the Sun. Thus, the aspect of the Sun at 14 degrees Leo contains the best of what the Sun promises concerning the 7th house. It contains the promise of a future husband and is called a promissor (or promittor).

It should not be surprising that the promise of a significant event is concentrated at an empty degree. In a natal chart, empty degrees often contain the most vivid qualities, i.e., aspects of planets. At the same time, the planets themselves may be unremarkable, being in a state of peregrine, showing neither good nor bad qualities.

Similarly, Venus in this chart is unremarkable as a peregrine, but its trine at 0 degrees Libra contains its favorable aspect (the role of love and marriage) concerning the 7th house. Thus, 0° Libra is the second empty degree with a promise of marriage.

Primary Directions from the Radix

We expect that when in primary directions, 0° Libra or 14° Leo approach the significators of the 1st or 7th houses (that is, to life as a whole or its specific sphere—romantic relationships), the promises of a husband and marriage embedded in these points will be realized.

Significators of the 7th house:

  • The planet in the 7th house—the Moon.
  • The cusp of the 7th house.
  • The ruler of the 7th house—Venus.

Significators of the 1st house:

  • Planets in the 1st house—Mercury, the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus.
  • The Ascendant.
  • The ruler of the 1st house—Mars.

Now it remains to determine the moments in time when the promissors of marriage reach these significators.

Significator Promittor Age Date
W eQ 14;g 26.7 Dec 2014
R eQ 14;g 93.8
DSC eQ 14;g 21.3 Jul 2009
E eQ 14;g 109.4
Q eQ 14;g 108
Y eQ 14;g 98.2
ASC eQ 14;g 111.1
W eR 0;j 4
R eR 0;j > 120
DSC eR 0;j 0.1
E eR 0;j > 120
Q eR 0;j > 120
Y eR 0;j > 120
ASC eR 0;j > 120

We exclude from this table cases of deep old age, childhood, and times beyond the span of human life (over 120 years), so not all directions are destined to be realized.

Selecting Effective Directions

As you can see, the woman has only two windows of opportunity for marriage throughout her lifetime. These are the summer of 2009 and the fall-winter of 2014. A solar return for either 2009 or 2014 will confirm one of these dates. But before verifying both dates with solar returns, let’s look at which of the two directions has a greater potential to bring about marriage.

What interests me here are the directions that occur immediately after and just before these directions for marriage.

I will start with the year 2009. In that year, the marriage direction is surrounded by the following neighboring directions:

Significator Promittor Age Date
Y eW 04;c 21.2 May 2009
DSC eQ 14;g 21.3 Jul 2009
Q rW 04;x 21.3 Aug 2009

I pay attention to neighboring directions to see if they also point to marriage.

If I consider Jupiter to be a significator of the 1st house in the preceding direction, then the trine of the Moon cannot contain the promise of marriage.

  • First, the Moon is in detriment, so its “copy” at the place of the trine has almost no dignity.
  • Second, this trine does not fall into any dignities of the Moon, meaning the “copy” of the Moon at the trine point does not acquire any additional positive qualities and cannot bring anything favorable. Specifically, regarding the 7th house, this degree cannot promise love or marriage.

Similarly, the promittor in the subsequent direction also does not contain promises of marriage and will not manifest anything related to wedlock. Thus, the primary direction for marriage in July 2009 (the middle row in the table above) remains without the necessary support.

Now, let’s examine the direction of 2014 and analyze what surrounds it.

Promittor Significator Age Date
U tT 28;v 26.6 Nov 2014
W eQ 14;g 26.7 Dec 2014
U pT 06;l 26.8 Jan 2015

Look: right before it is a favorable trine of exalted Mars, which has fallen into Scorpio, the domicile of Mars, directing towards Saturn—the significator of the native’s actions (Saturn rules the 10th house).

This aspect of Mars carries the best qualities of Mars relative to any favorable houses. Mars governs the native’s life as a whole. Its favorable aspect indicates the best aspect (side) of this life. But what exactly is this favorable aspect related to?

The aspect of Mars is at 28° Scorpio, right in the 7th house of the chart. This means that this favorable aspect of life is related to matters of the 7th house, particularly marriage. When it approaches Saturn, the ruler of the native’s activities, it stimulates the native’s actions toward marriage that year, essentially inclining the native towards marriage. We say that the native takes action to realize the best aspect of her life related to the 7th house. This occurs in November, and the marriage direction comes into play the following month.

Thus, the autumn direction for marriage received support from the preceding direction. The marriage will occur in the fall of 2014, not in the summer of 2009. However, it is essential to ensure that the solar return confirms this.

Solar Return Chart

Now, we cast the solar return for the year 2014 based on the native's place of residence.

Solar: Apr 04, 201409:54:06 UTC37º E 37', 55º N 45'REGIOMNT.Complete AspectPartial Aspect1g12º54'2h01º09'3h20º44'4j20º20'5l07º26'6v18º27'7x12º54'8c01º09'9c20º44'10a20º20'11d07º26'12f18º27'W11ºd39'Y11ºf46'<09ºj59'T20ºj38'RU22ºk27'RR28ºx28'E24ºc35'Q14ºa33'10º15º20º25º30ºWdYfQaTjUkEcRx

Solar return 2014

In a solar return chart, the planets either repeat their natal roles or they don't. The solar return confirms or denies only those roles of the planets that were established by the preceding year's direction.

The more repetitions of natal roles in the context of the year's main event, the stronger the solar return confirms the preceding direction. Since we are analyzing directions for marriage, in this solar return, we are only interested in how planets repeat their roles regarding marriage.

I will not use this solar return to forecast other events such as money, illness, or relocation, as these are not key to this year, even if the solar return indicates them. This approach differs from what is taught in modern schools but aligns with the spirit of astrological tradition.

Remember an essential rule of predictive astrology: the solar return, by itself, does not promise anything—it only confirms and specifies the promise of the preceding directions if such a promise exists.

Now, let's look at the solar return. The first thing I see is that the Sun, which indicated the husband in the natal chart and acted as his significator in the direction, has become the ruler of life this year. The year's main event is related to the husband—this is the first confirmation of the directions by the solar return.

Now pay attention: the trine of the Sun at 14° Leo—the significator of the husband from the previous direction—rises on the ascendant of this year. It literally means that the husband will appear on the horizon this year. This is the second confirmation of the preceding direction.

We saw in the previous direction that a favorable aspect of life related to marriage (28° Scorpio) was approaching Saturn—the native's own actions. This direction promised to encourage the native to take steps towards marriage this year.

Now, let's note: in this solar return, that same Saturn—the ruler of the native's actions—has become the ruler of marriage. In the natal chart, Saturn has many roles, except the native's own actions. One of them relates to marriage, as Saturn casts an aspect to the cusp of the 7th house and rules it by exaltation. Thus, in the solar return, Saturn combines two roles—the native's actions and her marriage, once again repeating the promise of the previous direction: urging the native to take decisive action—getting married. The solar return once more confirms the promise of the previous direction.

Additionally, the Sun—the significator of the husband from the natal chart—by its wide orb, covers the cusp of the 10th house in the solar return. It links the native's actions this year to the husband's appearance, which is the third confirmation.

However, note the natal ruler of life—Mars—has moved into Libra, which might mean:

  • Either Mars annuls its promise made at 28° Scorpio—the favorable aspect of life related to marriage may not manifest due to external challenges since Mars in Libra is in detriment.
  • Or the year will be full of love, as Mars is in the sign of Venus—the natural significator of love and marriage.

Here, knowing the context of the native's life helps. If the year began under difficult circumstances, then Mars in detriment would bring impending challenges, particularly in the 4th house where it is located. If, however, the native's life was calm, this points to the influence of Venus—love and marriage—on Mars.

At the beginning of the year, the native did not experience significant difficulties in the sphere of property or family. This means the solar return indicates Mars (that is, the period of life for the coming year) influenced by love and marriage.

We remember that in the previous direction, Mars at 28° Scorpio in the 7th house pointed to a specific aspect of life—a period related to marriage. Mars repeats this same role in the solar return, indicating a year of love and marriage. This is yet another confirmation of the promise of the directions.

Note that I am not analyzing every sphere of life in the solar return. I am focusing on confirming the two directions that promise marriage, and I have already found four such confirmations.

Additionally, there is one more: Venus in the natal chart plays several roles—it symbolizes love as the ruler of the 7th house, the native herself as a planet in the 1st house, and her finances through its conjunction with the cusp of the 2nd house. But this year, it is located in the 7th house. Among all its meanings, it manifests explicitly the role of love and marriage this year, once again confirming the promise of the directions.

Five confirmations satisfy me. The marriage will take place this year. Now that I am confident that the marriage will occur in 2014, closer to autumn (according to the directions), I can determine the specific month.

Directions from the Solar Chart

First, I will calculate the primary directions from the solar chart itself. I will sequentially add the degrees that contain promises of marriage relative to the solar return chart.

I will leave the two main promittors of marriage from the natal chart untouched. Recall that these are:

  • 14° Leo, the degree promising the future husband,
  • 28°, the favorable aspect of life related to marriage.

Now, I will refer to the solar return chart.

  • We have already seen that this year, Saturn took on the role of actions the native will take toward her own marriage. Thus, its favorable aspect or bodily position becomes a promittor of such action. Since the radical position is stronger than the solar one, and a physical position in its sign of rulership or exaltation is stronger than a favorable aspect, I will include 2° Capricorn—the bodily position of Saturn in its domicile on MC in the natal chart—as a promittor of such action.
  • Meanwhile, in the solar return, this same Saturn became the ruler of the 7th house this year, meaning it repeated its specific role of marriage. Therefore, its favorable aspect in the solar return contains the promise of marriage this year. Saturn's aspect at 22° Aquarius fell simultaneously into Saturn's place of rulership and the 7th house of this year, containing strong potential for marriage through actions taken by the native. I will also include this degree as a potential promittor of marriage.
  • Finally, the second ruler of the 7th house of the solar return by placement is Venus. Thus, its favorable aspects in its signs of rulership—28° Libra and 28° Taurus—also hold promises of marriage. However, I prefer the second aspect since it directly falls into the 10th house of the solar return chart. I have already seen that marriage is promised through the native's actions, and Venus itself in the solar return expresses itself through its dispositor Saturn, ruler of the 10th house in the natal chart—representing the native's own actions.

Thus, these five points are the main promittors of marriage this year relative to the solar return chart.

I will direct these 5 points to the significators of life and activity this year: the ASC and MC of solar return. I will also direct these points to the Sun—the main planet of the solar return and simultaneously the significator of the husband in the previous direction, as well as to Saturn, which this year became the ruler of the 7th house and is the main significator of the native's actions leading to marriage in the previous direction.

Next, I record the dates when the promittors approach the significators and get a fairly long list (20 dates for this year). Then, I sort these dates and check for clusters of dates that gather around the same moments, within a few days of each other.

And I see the following short periods: April 6-7, May 11, October 27-30, November 10-12, and December 17-19. The marriage will take place in one of these periods.

Lunar of the Year

This means the marriage will occur during one of the lunars containing the specified dates, but only if the lunar confirms this event within the respective month.

The principle is simple: a lunar is most active at the beginning of its period, so the closer the event date is to the start, the higher the probability of the marriage occurring. Therefore, I will focus on the lunars where the indicated periods fall at the very beginning.

There are two such lunars in 2014. The first starts on October 24 and includes the period from October 27-30. The second begins on December 17 and covers the period from December 17-19. Note that both lunars coincide with the moments of direction—November and December 2014. This is no coincidence.

Let's examine the first lunar:

Lunar: Oct 24, 201405:25:29 UTC37º E 37', 55º N 45'REGIOMNT.Complete AspectPartial Aspect1k10º43'2l04º17'3v12º25'4x29º25'5a01º16'6a22º06'7s10º43'8d04º17'9f12º25'10g29º25'11j01º16'12j22º06'Y19ºg28'E16ºj59'RR00ºk27'Q00ºk44'W04ºk23'<14ºk23'U22ºk59'T28ºl22'10º15º20º25º30ºRkQkWkEjYgUkTl

Eighth lunar return for 2014

Mars, which in the natal chart governs life in general and in the previous direction indicated a wonderful aspect of life related to marriage, represents a life period marked by Venus in the 2014 solar return. This month, Mars becomes the primary ruler of a 27-day short period as the lord of ASC. Meanwhile, Venus forms a nearly exact sextile with Mars, once again signifying a "period" or "aspect of life" connected to marriage, which occurs this month.

Next is the Sun, which signifies the spouse in the natal chart, that will appear due to the native's actions. This month, it begins to show the decisive action toward marriage. If the Sun conjoined the 10th house cusp in the previous solar return, in the lunar, it became the ruler of the 10th house.

Moreover, in the lunar, the Sun conjoins Venus—the marriage significator in the natal chart. This suggests a literal connection between the Sun (husband) and marriage (Venus). It also confirms the promises of previous directions and the solar return.

Additionally, Venus in the lunar becomes the ruler of the 7th house, once again emphasizing its role as the marriage planet. Remember, in the natal chart, Venus ruled the 7th house by the sign on its cusp, and in the solar return, it also became the 7th house ruler by position.

Thus, the lunar confirms the promises given by previous directions and the solar return in multiple ways.

Venus is placed in Scorpio, which can be interpreted in two ways:

  • Either Venus neutralizes its promise of marriage, being in its detriment in Scorpio.
  • Or it manifests itself through its dispositor, Mars—the ruler of the current month. This means that the marriage will manifest within this short 27-day period. Considering all previous indicators (i.e., the absence of contrary factors), I choose this option—a marriage within the next 27 days.

In the previous direction, Mars contacted Saturn, inclining the native toward marriage that year. This month, Mars again comes into contact with Saturn—it conjoins its natal degree within its orb (as seen in the chart overlay). This suggests that the native will take a step toward marriage during this specific month in 2014.

The connection between the decisive action toward marriage is especially evident in the aspects: Mars (ruler of life for the next 27 days) forms a nearly exact trine to the MC and Venus (actions and marriage). Venus is conjoined with the ruler of MC, again pointing to the link between the native's actions and the occurrence of marriage.

Thus, there are sufficient confirmations that this lunar will fulfill the promises made by the previous solar return and directions.

Primary Directions from the Lunar

The event should occur during the lunar period, around October 27-30, though the exact date is not yet defined. There may be deviations of a few days. We must calculate primary directions from the lunar return chart to specify the date.

I retain the previously chosen marriage promittors and add to it the Part of Fortune, which signifies luck and, in the context of this month, marriage. The Part of Fortune is notably positioned right in the first house, suggesting that luck (marriage) comes during this month.

Now, I sequentially direct the marriage promittors to the native's life significators, the ASC, its ruler, and the planet in the 1st house, focusing on dates at the start of the lunar when the event is expected. I am interested in dates that follow one another with a maximum difference of one day.

First, I direct the promittors to the lunar ASC. The directions point to two dates at the beginning of the lunar cycle: October 24 and 26. Next, I direct them to the planet in the 1st house—Saturn, noting the dates of October 24 and 28. Finally, I direct them to the ruler of the 1st house—Mars, and October 24 is repeated for the third time.

This repetition is not a coincidence. Most likely, on October 24, a transit in the sky will occur that fulfills the promises of the directions, confirmed by the solar and the lunar returns.

Transit Chart

And indeed, on October 24, 2014, an hour before the lunar begins, at 04:27:36, several significant coincidences occur:

Date: Oct 24, 201404:27:36 UTC37º E 37', 55º N 45'REGIOMNT.Complete AspectPartial Aspect1k01º10'2k23º51'3l28º36'4x14º33'5c19º17'6a11º57'7s01º10'8s23º51'9d28º36'10g14º33'11h19º17'12j11º57'Y19ºg28'E17ºj00'RR00ºk24'Q00ºk41'W03ºk52'<04ºk21'U22ºk59'T28ºl20'10º15º20º25º30ºRkQkWkEjYgUkTl

Transit chart

  • The primary promittor of the husband (14°33' Leo), involved in the directions for marriage this year and rising on the ascendant of the solar return, culminates right on the MC.
  • The Moon, embodying the central promise of the lunar and serving as the 7th house significator in the main direction for marriage, simultaneously:
  • Conjoined the Part of Fortune;
  • Rose on the ASC.

This can be interpreted literally—the marriage will appear on the native's horizon and bring luck on this very day.

  • At the same time, the husband's significator (Sun) conjoined Venus, which you can understand literally: on this day, the man will marry the native.
  • The Sun also rose on the ASC, again indicating the husband's arrival in the native's life on this day.
  • Venus became the ruler of the 7th house, thrice repeating its role of marriage—originating from the natal chart, solar return, and lunar at this very moment.
  • Venus ascended on the ASC, signifying the realization of the thrice-promised marriage on this day.

All these independent confirmations converge in a single moment and begin to dissipate within a few minutes.

Please note that I use the transit chart not to predict various events but to confirm the main one that is meant to happen on this day. I know this main event before casting the transit chart rather than searching for it within the chart. That is, I analyze only those degrees that indicate marriage, including 14° Leo, where there are no planets at all.

Focusing Natal Chart Promises on a Specific Day

Notice how the planets in the natal chart enhance their specific roles closer to the day of the event's realization:

  • Mars, a broad significator of life in the natal chart, manifested its particular beneficial aspect in 2014—a favorable life episode associated with marriage (28° Scorpio, falling into the 7th house ruled by Venus).
  • The solar return confirmed this and refined the details—the marriage would occur this year, but the native would take the necessary steps to achieve it. For this, the solar return assigned Mars as the ruler of the native's actions leading to marriage and placed it in the dignity of Venus (marriage).
  • The lunar confirmed marriage in a specific month of 2014, once again making Mars the ruler of life for the next 27 days and tightly linking it with Venus.
  • The transit fulfilled the promise by making Mars the ruler of the moment and placing Venus (marriage) directly on the ascendant.

In this process, Venus repeatedly became the ruler of the 7th house, three times emphasizing its specific meaning as marriage, rather than the native's finances. The Sun repeatedly played the role of the husband until, at one point, Venus and the Sun united at a particular moment on ASC.

Thus, the overall potential of the natal chart focuses on ultra-specific meanings, on a concrete event on a specific day.

So, the forecast is as follows: the native will get married on October 24, 2014. Indeed, the woman married on this day when the entire potential of the natal chart focused on a single event (marriage) and culminated on the morning of that day.

You have seen the full cycle of forecasting using Morinus' techniques. If you want to master these methods, come study at our school. You will be able to predict key life events and help your loved ones, guiding them away from the consequences of wrong decisions or preparing them for new challenges.

Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (QHC, DMA). About the author