The Meaning of the Planets in Astrology

BlogAstrology Basics
The meaning of the planets

May 11, 2024, 6:51 p.m. Beginner Alexey Borealis 5 min. to read

Planets, like houses, govern a whole class of external objects or phenomena. So, for example, the Moon governs all sea creatures - fish, octopuses, sharks, and so on.

Such rulership is called natural. We use this rulership only in the cases listed below. By default, we use the significator selection technique through the house rulership.


When Do We Use Natural Rulership?

This signification technique is only used in 5 cases:

  1. When there is no corresponding astrological house for the object. For example, there is no astrological house for the electorate in political election questions. But the Moon signifies population.
  2. When it is necessary to separate two specific things from each other within the same house. For example, we must distinguish the battery from the electrical wiring in the car troubleshooting question. Both items are part of the same care - the 2nd house. But the Sun rules the battery, while Mercury signifies the electrical wiring.
  3. In search questions. Here we prefer natural rulership to accidental one (when the planet rules the house). So, if there are two candidates for describing the missing jewelry - the ruler of the 2nd house and Venus - we will prefer Venus since it is the natural ruler of the jewelry.
  4. In questions about the weather. Mercury and Jupiter, for example, are natural rulers of wind and rain.
  5. In medical matters, when it is necessary to select medicinal herbs, minerals, metals, salts, alchemical tinctures, homeopathic remedies, or objects corresponding to a particular planet.

How to Determine the Natural Ruler of a Particular Thing

The main criterion is the answer to the question: "Why does this thing serve to?" "What is its most common task"?

For example, a camera's purpose is to capture frames - visual moments in time. The planet Saturn is responsible for all fixation and "freezing." It means that Saturn will be the natural ruler of the camera in search questions.


What Do Planets Rule?


It governs all things that have the following remarkable characteristics:

  • old,
  • black,
  • difficult,
  • heavy (literally and figuratively),
  • restraining, enclosing,
  • located in the ground or underground,
  • rotting,
  • dry,
  • cold,
  • lonely or separated,
  • deceased.

Therefore, Saturn can show in particular:

  • vacuum trucks (hard work),
  • cemeteries (underground burial places)
  • thermometer (fixes the temperature),
  • mounds (enclose),
  • salt (dries)
  • and so on.


It governs all things that have the following notable characteristics:

  • Large,
  • spreading,
  • fertile, abundant
  • lush,
  • magenta color,
  • Religious,
  • weakening, softening,
  • noble.

Therefore, Jupiter can show in particular:

  • rituals (pomp of the ceremony),
  • rain, male seed (sources of fertility),
  • aristocrats, nobility (noble people),
  • priests (connection with religion),
  • mercy, acquittals (mitigation).


Governs all things that have the following outstanding characteristics:

  • sharp, sharp,
  • aggressive, assertive, predatory
  • scalding or just hot
  • red,
  • harsh, annoying

Therefore, Mars can show in particular:

  • soldiers (power structures),
  • firefighters (communication with fire),
  • radish, nettle (burning),
  • wild animals (predators).

The Sun

Governs all things that have the following remarkable characteristics:

  • unique,
  • Royal,
  • made of gold,
  • expensive,
  • things that give life.

Therefore, the Sun can show in particular:

  • staple foods (varies from culture to culture),
  • a king in each of the kingdoms (a lion among animals, an eagle among birds, a diamond among stones),
  • large bribe (expensive unique "gift").


Governs all things that have the following notable characteristics:

  • charming, graceful, beautiful,
  • fragrant,
  • sweet, delicious,
  • pleasant to the touch.

Therefore, Venus can show in particular:

  • art objects,
  • make-up, design (elegance),
  • kisses, young maidens,
  • adorable animals.

The Moon

Governs all things that have the following notable characteristics:

  • liquid or associated with water,
  • soft, shapeless,
  • without smell,
  • white color
  • new things or newborn creatures,
  • objects appearing at night
  • intoxicants,
  • lost animals

Therefore, the Moon can show in particular:

  • fish, sailors, seafaring (related to water),
  • owls (appearing at night),
  • cabbage (shapeless),
  • alcohol (intoxicant),
  • babies (newborn creatures).



Governs all things that have the following characteristics:

  • multi-colored,
  • cunning, tricky,
  • mixed items,
  • small objects coming in large numbers,
  • everything that causes the wind,
  • anything that speaks like a person or is otherwise similar to him,
  • lie and everything connected with it,
  • humor and everything connected with it,
  • everything related to speech and fine motor skills,
  • everything that serves to coordinate, execute small orders,
  • pharmaceuticals, medicine, and everything related to it,
  • exact sciences and calculations,
  • everything related to trade and transactions,
  • printed materials and documents,
  • virtuosos and masters of their craft.

Therefore, Mercury can show in particular:

  • pizza, cocktails, sweet and sour sauces (mixed dishes),
  • seeds, stationery (small items in large quantities),
  • bean, earthquake (from the logic that it causes wind),
  • parrots, monkeys, dolls (similar to humans),
  • astrology, mathematics, processors (exact sciences and calculations),
  • thieves, dodgers, deceivers (false)
  • jokes, anecdotes (humor),
  • articulation, speech,
  • Internet, realtors, couriers, secretaries (coordination, exchange, and minor assignments),
  • vitamins and doctors (medicine),
  • magazine, passport (printed products and documents).

Significance of Planets in Medical Astrology

In medical astrology, the planets are responsible for specific organs of the body, classes of diseases, and natural elements (herbs, salts, metals, minerals, etc.).

Body Organs and Diseases


  • Skin (outer border);
  • Immune system (together with Mars);
  • Bones, teeth;
  • Joints;
  • Right ear;
  • Spleen;
  • Bladder.

Illnesses: splenic obstruction, tinnitus/ringing, deafness, insanity, gout, tuberculosis, weakness, dropsy.


  • Liver;
  • Lungs (together with Mercury, which governs the alveoli);
  • Cartilage;
  • Blood;
  • male seed

Diseases: liver and lung inflammation, hemoptysis, tumors, and growths, smallpox, measles, frequent increase in tº, high heart rate, hypertension.


  • Left ear;
  • Bile;
  • Iron;
  • Male sexual organ

Diseases: ulcers, abscesses, bile spillage, delirium, rabies, fistulas, redness of the face, sudden mental confusion, inflammation, high fever, kidney stones.

The Sun

  • The right eye in men;
  • Heart;
  • Vitality;
  • Head (coordinating function of the brain).

Illnesses: Fever, palpitations, eye redness, brain disease, milder Mars disease.


  • Female reproductive organs;
  • Kidneys;
  • Throat.

Illnesses: urinary problems, airway blockage, genital and kidney diseases.


  • CNS;
  • Tongue;
  • Fingers, hands;
  • Head (cognitive activity of the higher cortex of the brain);
  • Alveoli.

Diseases: dizziness, stuttering, flatulence, CNS damage, saliva excess, cough.

The Moon

  • Right eye in women;
  • uterus, mammary glands;
  • stomach, intestines
  • lymphatic system;
  • brain;

Diseases: epilepsy, sleepwalking, paralysis, retention of menstrual and other secretions, dropsy, convulsions, wet cough, scrofula.

Colors and Minerals

Each planet rules a specific color. It is widely used in medical astrology for the selection of minerals.

  • Saturn. Black stones, such as black obsidian;
  • Jupiter. Blue, light blue, or transparent stones, such as dumortierite;
  • Mars. Stones of red or brown color, for example, red jasper;
  • Sun. Stones that are yellow, orange, or golden, such as amber or citrine;
  • Venus. Green stones, for example, aventurine green;
  • Mercury. Multi-colored or gray stones, for example, gray agate;
  • Moon. White stones, such as moss agate or pearls;

Mixed colors and minerals

If the stone has a mixed color, it is кгдув by several planets at once. For example:

  • A purple-colored stone, such as amethyst, is a mixture of red (Mars) and Jupiter (blue) colors. Suitable for cleansing (Mars) of the liver (Jupiter). It was used to relieve a hangover in ancient times.
  • A stone with a turquoise color. For example, turquoise is a mixture of blue (Jupiter) and green (Venus) colors.
  • Ametrine is a combination of yellow (Sun), blue (Jupiter), and black (Saturn) colors, and so on.

Metals (Homeopathy)

The planets govern certain metals. Previously, metals were used in medical astrology in alchemical tinctures. Nowadays, there are homeopathic analogs for this:

  • Saturn - Plumbum metallicum (Plumbum metallicum), C6;
  • Jupiter - Stannum metallicum (Stannum metallicum), C6;
  • Mars - Ferrum metallicum (Ferrum metallicum), C6;
  • Sun - Aurum metallicum (Aurum metallicum), C6;
  • Venus - Cuprum metallicum (Cuprum metallicum), C6;
  • Mercury - Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni, C6;
  • Moon - Argentum metallicum (Argentum metallicum), C6;


Medical herbs are distinguished by planet rulership and humoral property (dry, cold, and so on). Therefore, their extensive list is beyond the scope of this article. But those who are interested can study this material in the books of Oscar Hoffman [1, 2].


  1. Hoffman, Oscar. Traditional medical astrology. Treatment with the help of elements (2nd ed., corrected), M .: Mir Urania publishing house, 2011 - 240 p. — ISBN 978-5-91313-071-6
  2. Hoffman, Oscar. Practicum: traditional horary and medical astrology (2nd edition, supplemented), M .: Mir Urania publishing house, 2013 - 160 p. — 978-5-91313-084-6


Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (MAPAI). About the author