Astrology Forecast: Predicting Financial Gains with Precision

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Predicting money income

July 6, 2024, 8:21 p.m. Advanced Alexey Borealis 3 min. to read

Astrology has long fascinated people with its ability to provide insights into their lives and predict future events. One notable example of this predictive power comes from one of our students in Australia, who demonstrated how astrology can forecast events down to the day.


The Situation

A couple in Australia recently faced a challenging financial situation. They had purchased a new house and sold their old one, but while the money for the new house had already been spent, the funds from the sale of the old house were expected at the end of January. To bridge this financial gap, they asked their realtor to request an advance of 25,000 Australian dollars from the buyer of the old house to cover moving expenses.

However, the buyer was out of reach due to the New Year holidays. Our student (the querent) asked when the 25,000 dollars would arrive in their account.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 k 12º 44' l 14º 03' v 07º 36' v 29º 34' x 26º 01' a 02º 22' s 12º 44' d 14º 03' f 07º 36' f 29º 34' g 26º 01' j 02º 22' { 20º a 35' Y 05º s 44' < 17º j 31' } 20º j 35' R 13º l 07' W 23º l 35' E 25º l 39' T 03º v 43' Q 18º v 49' U 04º c 03' Jan 10, 202400:39:00UTC+10:00153º E 21', 27º S 57' 10º 15º 20º 25º 30º T v U c Y s R l Q v W l E l

Astrological Analysis

Let's start with the radicality assessment. The astrological chart for the question highlights the second house, representing finances. Both of the querent's (the person asking the question) planets are in this house.

Additionally, the buyer (Venus, the lord of the 7th house), crucial to the transaction, is also significant in the chart. Indeed, Venus controls the part of Fortune (reflecting the querent's deep concern). At the same time, Jupiter, representing the querent's wallet, strongly depends on the buyer (Venus) by reception, aligning perfectly with the context of the situation.

We see a complete correspondence between the chart's indications and reality, which means the chart is radical and contains indications of future events.

Predicting the Timeline

State of Jupiter: The First thing to check is whether the wallet's state will improve soon. But Jupiter is the beginning of a fixed sign, Taurus, indicating no change, so this technique doesn't work for determining timing.

Condition of the Second House: Next, we can check the upcoming change of the second house state. At the moment, the second house is afflicted and aligns with reality. Indeed, a debilitated Mercury severely afflicts the second house. However, in about 4.5 degrees, Mercury will leave its place of exile, ceasing to harm the second house.

This indicates an improvement in approximately four units of time. Given that Mercury was moving one-third slower than its average speed in this chart, we need to adjust the estimated improvement to approximately seven units of time.

Aspects with money. I would not involve aspects between the querent and the money for the following reasons:

  1. If we consider the aspect between the querent and Jupiter to refine the timing of when the querent will encounter their own wallet full of money, we immediately fall into a logical trap. Jupiter rules the 2nd house, which Mercury severely afflicts. Therefore, Jupiter in this chart represents the current state of the wallet, which is experiencing a lack of funds. An encounter between the querent and such a wallet cannot indicate the receipt of money.

  2. If we take Mercury as the significator of the buyer's money, we face another contradiction.

    • First, Mercury is not in question; the chart does not highlight it as the main significator. It is always a bad idea to use the planet that is not in question as the main significator to get the answer.
    • Second, Mercury is debilitated. It shows the buyer's acute lack of funds, which harms the querent's pocket, rather than the 25,000 AUD the querent was expecting. Hence, an encounter between the querent and such a Mercury makes no sense.

Jupiter's Position: Take a look. Jupiter will conjunct the cusp of the seventh house in seven degrees, signifying maximum accidental strength for the wallet. It means the querent can use the money in their account. Thus, in seven units of time, funds will be accessible without any issues.

Moon's Position: The Moon, representing the querent's emotions, is now absorbed by Jupiter (the wallet). Right now, the querent is worried about the state of their pocket. But in seven degrees, the Moon will leave Sagittarius (the place of worry about Jupiter), indicating that the financial concern will dissipate in seven units of time.

Venus' Position: Venus, symbolizing the buyer, will conjunct the cusp of the second house in one degree. It indicates the moment within one time-unit when the buyer will "contact" the querent's pocket, i.e., transfer the money to their account.

The Outcome

Given the alignment of terms, one degree and seven degrees corresponded to one week and seven days, respectively. Based on this analysis, our student predicted that the money would arrive on January 17, 2024, seven days after the question was asked.

And so it was. The student provided the transfer receipt as proof of the prediction's accuracy. This question was resolved using ingress and aspect-to-cusps techniques.


This case highlights the precision and reliability of astrological forecasting. Astrology continues to prove its value in providing accurate predictions and guiding individuals through challenging situations. If you want to make an exact prognosis like that, look at our course on predictive astrology.

Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (MAPAI). About the author