Confusion With Significators in Horary Charts

BlogHorary AstrologyForecasting Horary Techniques
Confusion With Significators

May 8, 2024, 7:50 p.m. Advanced Alexey Borealis 2 min. to read

Often in their practice, professional astrologers encounter two compelling cases when considering a horary chart.

  • The astrologer realizes which significator to choose, but the chart suggests a different planet.
  • From the formulation of the horary question, it is totally unclear which planet to consider for the quesited.

This article shows how to work with such horary charts.

P.S. The article is intended for practicing astrologers and not for beginners.


Case 1. Mismatch of Significators

Suppose an astrologer receives a question: "When will the period of self-isolation end?" There is no astrological house or Arabian Part for self-isolation. But any isolation is shown by the planet Saturn as a natural ruler. Therefore, we take Saturn as a significator. We also expect to see Saturn highlighted during chart radicality assessment.

Further, we select suitable techniques for Saturn according to the horary chart interpretation algorithm. Of all astrological methods, the reception will suit us. We will be interested in finding the moment when the planet of the querent leaves the disposition of Saturn. It will show the exit of the querent from under the yoke of self-isolation.

Note. An aspect with Saturn would show the moment of quarantine, but the question is about the timing of its removal. It is solved through a change of reception.

We expect to see a highlighted Saturn when we cast a horary chart. But here, the same case may come when the chart highlights a different planet, say, the ruler of the 3rd house.

In this case, we need to follow the chart's suggestions. Namely, we must understand how the 3rd house can relate to the voiced question. It will help to understand the genuine concern of the querent.

Understanding the Essence of the Significator Proposed by the Chart

The 3rd house in astrology is responsible for regular movement. In the context of the question—for unhindered movement around the city (in the absence of quarantine).

It means that the chart will show us the answer not through the exit from under the yoke of isolation (from the disposition of Saturn) but through the contact between the querent and his free movements. The freedom of movement, the 3rd house, is the actual client's concern. So we must answer the question: "When will I be able to move freely again."

Selection of a List of Techniques Applicable to a New Significator

We must restart the parsing horary interpretation algorithm again and select the necessary techniques. But now we will choose techniques not for Saturn, as we originally planned, but for the ruler of the 3rd house.

The only thing that suits us is the exact aspects. The aspect shows the moment when the querent encounters freedom of movement. Thus we find the timing of the desired event—the removal of the isolation regime.


Check out Example 1 in this article to see how this case appears in real life.

Case 2. It is Unclear Which Planet to Consider

Sometimes the question is put so that it is unclear to the astrologer which house to consider. For example, in the question "will there be a major outbreak of coronavirus in our city," it is unclear what precisely the question is about:

  • Is it about personal safety;
  • Maybe it is about the possible introduction of quarantine;
  • Or it is about a business that may be at risk;
  • Or something else.

For each case, we would need a different set of significators and appropriate techniques:

  • In the question of security (whether I get sick), we would look for the aspect of sickness and the querent;
  • In the question of whether a business will survive without customers, we would look for signs of business death;
  • And so on.

The most obvious way to clarify the situation is to ask the querent. But in reality, clients cannot accurately describe the valid reason for their concern. The client may answer that he is concerned about everything—health safety, business, the introduction of quarantine, and everything else. Stressed people can't always be rational.

And in this case, the horary chart itself comes to the rescue again. By evaluating radicality, the astrologer can see which houses are highlighted and how they relate to the true nature of the issue.


Check out Example 2 in this article to see how this case appears in real life.

Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (MAPAI). About the author