How Planets at Birth Determine Future Life Events and Decisions

BlogAstrology Basics
Stars and Fate

Aug. 18, 2024, 8:36 p.m. Advanced Alexey Borealis 9 min. to read

To understand how planets create events, we will refer to the scientific astrological thought of the 17th century, specifically the works of Morinus.


How Stars Create Current Events

Planets do not exert active influence

Morinus wrote that the active force influencing earthly processes is not the planets themselves but the radiation from deep space, which he called Primum Caelum.

This radiation is neutral on its own, but when it passes through the positions of the planets, it changes, becoming either destructive or creative.

If a planet's position relative to other celestial bodies and zodiac signs is favorable, the planet compels the radiation from deep space to produce many positive outcomes. However, if the planet's position is unfavorable, it forces the primary radiation to create chaos and destruction.

Morinus referred to a planet's favorable or unfavorable position as its celestial state and the modification of the primary radiation as celestial determination.

Amazingly, nearly 300 years later, modern astrophysicists have proposed a similar hypothesis. Theoretical calculations1 suggest that radiation from deep space, passing through the positions of the planets, is uniquely focused in the Earth's atmosphere and creates active components there that affect all living things.

The planets themselves, however, do not exert any active influence. It is exactly what Morinus wrote about back in the 17th century.

Although I will use astrological expressions like "the action of the planets," I want you to understand the correct meaning of this phrase. The planets themselves do not produce the effects, but the radiation from deep space that passes through them does.

Influence on specific objects

Astrologers have long observed that a planet's position relative to the horizon focuses its influence on specific objects. For example, if a planet is overhead and to your left, it will influence your friends, whereas if it is below and to your left, it will affect your finances.

Morinus referred to this process of focusing celestial influence on specific objects as terrestrial determination. In other words, through its celestial state, a planet first compels the primary radiation to exert either a destructive or creative influence. Then, through its terrestrial state (i.e., its position relative to the horizon), it focuses this influence on particular objects. This is how events such as the loss of friends or the acquisition of money occur.

But here's the question: how can radiation from deep space, refracted by the planets, provoke the acquisition of money, a divorce, or any other event? What is the connection between the radiation and the event?

A person as an Intermediary Between the Stars and Events

Morinus explained it this way: the radiation of Primum Caelum, being modified by planets, can trigger an overwhelming desire in a person to take specific actions, find themselves in certain circumstances, or provoke a particular reaction from those around them, which inevitably leads to the predicted event, such as a fatal injury, loss of money, or relocation.

In other words, the person themselves is the intermediary between astrological influence and the resulting events. This aligns well with modern theories on the influence of the cosmos. So, let's summarize.

  • The neutral and homogeneous radiation of the cosmos passes through the planets.
  • At any given moment, the celestial state of a planet (i.e., its position relative to other planets and signs) can be either favorable or unfavorable.
  • The celestial state of the planet causes the primary radiation to create destructive or constructive effects of varying intensity.
  • Then, the terrestrial state of the planet, meaning its position relative to the local horizon, focuses this influence on various objects.

The same planet, which foretells destruction, will simultaneously cause financial loss in one city and job loss in another.

To be more precise, the current terrestrial and celestial states of planets trigger unconscious desires in people to perform particular active or passive actions, which lead to definite events.

In the language of modern science, planets cause changes in the active components of the atmosphere, which in turn trigger desires and actions in people, leading to the observed events.

But three questions remain open:

  1. Why does the influence of the same planet, which foretells financial loss for all residents of Australia, not cause everyone to lose money simultaneously, but only some?
  2. How does the influence of planets at the moment of birth persist throughout one's life and trigger events in the distant future? And why can these events be predicted in advance?
  3. If a person triggers events through their actions, then why can one predict, for example, the death of a friend due to an illness that the person could not provoke by their actions?

How Stars Create Future Events

First, we will address why the positions of the planets at the moment of birth continue to exert their influence throughout a person's life.

Morinus explained it this way: At birth, the influence of the stars is imprinted on the person's body, like on a photographic plate. From then on, the body continues to perceive the sky as it was at birth, meaning in a very individual way.

This manifests in the body's compassionate response to the moments when planets pass through the same positions they occupy at birth.

Suppose a planet, together with two others at the time of birth, creates a "chemical pattern" that inclines a person toward a fight, resulting in injury. It doesn't mean that the newborn will immediately attack people at the moment of birth. It means that the infant's body (or, in modern terms, their brain and nervous system) will remember this pattern. Morinus called this a celestial imprint.

If, many years later, these three planets simultaneously pass through the same positions they occupied at birth, this specific pattern that inclines a person toward a fight and injury will repeat, and the person's body will sharply react to this celestial configuration. At that moment, the person will get involved in or provoke a fight and be injured.

The horoscope is imprinted in the body

Future events are embedded in the body, in the nervous system, as potential possibilities. In their movement, the planets merely create the conditions for the activation of sudden desires and actions that lead to the manifestation of these events.

Thus, by knowing the positions of the planets at the moment of birth and understanding the simple laws of celestial mechanics, we can quite accurately predict the moments when the potential of the natal chart, imprinted in the person's body, will manifest as a final event.

The Stars do not Influence Us Constantly

As you understand, the planets cannot cause something in a person that is not part of their original imprint, that is, their horoscope. If, at the moment of birth, no planet, through its celestial and terrestrial state, imprinted in the person a tendency to fight and get injured, then any similar configurations in the future will leave the person indifferent.

For this reason, a planet that influences events like financial loss or finding a new job will cause these outcomes only for a few individuals rather than for everyone simultaneously.

Is Everything Really Predetermined?

It is appropriate to note free will and the extent to which everything in life is predetermined.

As you can see, although planets, or rather the deep cosmos through them, continuously influence the Earth, a person is sensitive only to particular configurations. In other words, planets actively impact an individual only at specific moments. The rest of the time, a person is indifferent to celestial influences and left to chance. Even during moments of active influence, a person can use their willpower to suppress sudden desires and counteract the consequences of their actions.

However, people usually cannot distinguish between sudden desires caused by celestial influences and desires caused by random factors. Therefore, stars continue to incline people toward what was imprinted in them at birth, and we, as astrologers, can reasonably accurately determine key life events—such as marriage, relocation, the birth of children, significant losses or gains—as well as the timing of these events.

Events that do not Depend on the Person

The next question I would like to address is: if a person provokes or actively creates critical events in their life under the influence of the stars, how can we predict the death of their friend if the person is not the cause of this death?

The fact is, a person's horoscope contains events related to their own life, not the lives of those around them. However, suppose the horoscope suggests that a person will acquire a friend's company or adopt a friend's child due to the friend's death. In that case, the person will intuitively form friendships with those who show signs of illness and have a business or a child in a single-parent family.

And if there are such people in the city where the person lives, the person will unconsciously gravitate toward those whose horoscopes, or rather bodies, have a death threat imprinted for a certain day.

If there are no such people in the city, the person will make friends randomly—these will be healthy individuals or those without children or their own businesses. The promise imprinted in the person's natal chart will not be fulfilled in such cases. The person will not adopt a child or acquire a business due to the friend's departure simply because there will be no suitable conditions in their life when the promise is supposed to be realized.

Here is another example. In psychology, it is well known that a man tends to choose women who resemble his mother. Among many such women, he will select precisely the one whose horoscope predicts a divorce on a specific day due to infidelity because the man's own horoscope has similar indications.

For instance, I recently gave a presentation at a conference in which I demonstrated that the birth dates of the children of a well-known royal couple align with the horoscopes of both parents.


An essential element for realizing any event promised by the stars is the presence of a context that allows the event to come to completion. No matter how strongly the stars incline a person toward conceiving a child, this will not happen if the person is on a deserted island at the time.

Morinus wrote that the context of life determines the planets' actions. If two people are born at the same time with identical horoscopes, but one comes from a wealthy family and the other from a poor one, the same promises of the stars will manifest very differently in their lives.

Since context, or living conditions, is something a person can influence, it creates another window of opportunity to alter upcoming events.


So, to summarize:

  • At the moment of birth, the influence of the planets is imprinted on a person’s body.
  • The body perceives the heavens in a very individual way, as they were at birth.
  • As a result, an individual is generally insensitive to the influence of the stars most of the time. Still, at certain moments, the stars exert a personal influence, and the person creates or provokes events due to acute desires.
  • Guided by their horoscopes, people often choose partners and life circumstances that are in harmony with their inner nature. When the time comes to experience betrayals from friends, infidelity from a spouse, or other influences from close surroundings, such an environment usually exists. The persons themselves create it.
  • Since most people are left to their own devices and the stars do not provoke acute, immediate desires, they can use willpower to create a context that prevents many misfortunes from occurring. Even during moments of intense desire to take action, people can resist their impulses if they are aware in advance of the negative consequences of their sudden actions.
  • In other words, a person has significant free will, but without knowing when and how to exercise it, they often remain a toy of their own destiny. Predictive astrology is valuable because it can foresee upcoming troubles in advance, making it an excellent tool for risk management.

How Stars Influence Current Processes

Horary astrology predicts the development of a current process that has already begun to unfold.

Morinus rightly questioned how the stars could influence the development of a specific process. After all, a process like a “football match” or “relationship in a couple” does not have a body or nervous system to receive and remember a stellar imprint at the moment of its “birth.”

Morinus could not find an answer to this question and thus did not attempt to practice horary astrology. However, we will address this question.

Discrete Influence

The planets constantly change their favorable and unfavorable celestial states during their movement and continuously focus their influences on various objects. However, this does not mean that they produce events every second.

Imagine that at a particular moment in a specific city, two planets are positioned such that the first planet begins to incline a person towards acute financial need, while the second planet begins to incline their close friend towards providing financial assistance.

For both planets to jointly produce an event, there must be at that moment at least one person in acute financial need in the city and a friend ready to help them, with an urgent need for borrowing money between them.

If no such pair of people exists at that moment, the planets will not produce any effect—the “chemical pattern” they create in the atmosphere will go unperceived.

However, if such a pair is found, they will be the only people in the entire city who can perceive the impulse of the stars regarding the financial issue simply due to the resonance of their states and the external influence.

At that moment, the first planet will imprint a tendency in the first person, for example, to try to solve the financial issue on their own and refuse the friend's help. Meanwhile, the second planet will create a tendency in the friend to feel offended by the refusal of help.

These two tendencies will lead to a final event—the breakdown of the friendship due to conflict on the financial backdrop.

Radical Moment

The moment when the vector for the future conflict in this pair was established is the root moment. In Latin, the root is called radix. We can say that this moment is radical for this particular situation in this specific pair, but it means nothing to the city's other inhabitants.

Radical moments related to various life situations occur frequently. At these moments, the stars actively adjust the immediate processes, giving them developmental directions.

Reflection of Past Events

Morinus wrote that the planets not only exert influence but also reflect past ones. This is similar to planetary transits over the positions they occupied in the past—when this happens, the current influence of the planets partially repeats what occurred before.

I believe that when an active participant in a situation seeks an astrologer for a prediction, there will always be at least a few astrologers over whose horizons a configuration will soon happen that partially repeats the one from the radical moment. In such cases, the person intuitively chooses one of these astrologers.

When a "repeating" or reflective configuration of a past radical moment forms over the astrologer's horizon, the planet's influence urges the client to reach out to the astrologer. Simultaneously, it encourages the astrologer to unconsciously accept the question from this particular client at that very moment.

In this case, the astrologer checks if the current positions of the stars in the sky indeed reflect the original radical moment, that is, if this is not a "random" client.

For example, if a client who recently quarreled with his wife asks about their future relationship, and the planet representing the client and the planet representing his wife were recently in opposition—literally in conflict. Right now, the wife's planet is conjunct with the planet representing her friend, which fully corresponds to reality. This means that the current configuration reflects the previous radical moment and the celestial imprints received by all participants in the process.

Such a planetary arrangement is called a radical chart of the situation or a horary chart of the question. The astrologer observes from this chart how the planets will change their states in the near future. This indicates what actions the participants in the process will take under the influence of the imprints laid within them.

For example, the planet representing the wife may turn retrograde. This means that the planets have imprinted within the wife a tendency to decide on a return soon. Alternatively, the wife's planet may change signs and lose all interest in the husband's planet. This would mean that the planets have imprinted a tendency to lose interest in the previous relationship soon.

The astrologer sees the tendencies imprinted in each participant and the events they will inevitably lead to.

  1. Parkhomov, Alexander. Dark Matter as a Cosmic Interaction Agent (Russian), Institute for Time Nature Explorations, 2007. 

Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (MAPAI). About the author