What is the Difference Between Mundane, Natal, and Horary Astrology?

BlogAstrology Basics
mundane, natal, and horary astrology.

May 13, 2024, 9:27 p.m. Beginner Alexey Borealis 3 min. to read

Predictive astrology serves one purpose - to help avoid dangerous situations in life that are fated. However, mentioning that the stars do not determine all events in our lives is crucial. You can understand the influence of stars by looking at three types of predictive astrology - mundane, natal, and horary.


Mundane Astrology

This astrology predicts sudden disruptions that will affect an entire region in the coming year and impact the lives of thousands of people. With the help of this astrology, it is possible to make accurate predictions about epidemics, earthquakes, wars, starvations, etc. However, this type of astrology is entirely insensitive to an individual's life - it cannot predict what will happen to a specific resident of a given region.

Furthermore, mundane (or world-related) massive events easily "overwrite" the horoscopes of individual residents. For example, if a war breaks out in a region and thousands of people die quickly, it does not mean they all have identical signs of death in their horoscopes. The horoscopes of the citizens still vary greatly - for some, their horoscopes may indicate death in old age due to illness, while for others, it may indicate end from falling from a height at an advanced age. But many people may die on the same day at a young age in the war, regardless of the entirely different indicators in their natal charts.

Mundane astrology is the most deterministic, setting the framework for life for anyone who falls under the influence of the horoscope of a large territory. For this reason, ancient astrologers first examined the charts of mundane revolutions for the year. Then they looked at the directions and planetary returns in the natal chart during the same period.

This type of astrology is usually studied last.

Natal Astrology

This astrology excellently predicts essential events of the year - illnesses, marriages, childbirths, and so on. In a year, there can be anywhere from zero to only a few key life events. One should not think that the natal chart describes every day of your life - predictive astrology does not work that way.

In reality, there are far more events in a year than what the natal chart shows. For example, you may experience job changes, conflicts with superiors, and some passionate but short-lived romances.

Such momentary events are often created by our free will or randomly unfolding circumstances, usually called the "context of the situation."

The natal chart is entirely indifferent to "lesser" momentary events - it cannot predict a rainy day in a year, a slight discomfort due to chilling, a conflict with a boss, or a fun party and the following sex on a Friday. Remember that the context of circumstances or a person's free will "overwrites" the promises of a natal chart. For example, if the natal chart predicts a severe gastrointestinal illness this year, but the person takes care of himself and follows a healthy diet and healthy food is available. These actions and circumstances will nullify the predictions of the natal chart. The opposite is true: if a person lives in conflict with relatives, and the natal chart foretells a legal dispute with family members in November, only a miracle can save the person from a court case in the fall.

The natal chart is also wholly indifferent to "higher" mundane events - it cannot predict epidemics, wars, and other events of territorial significance. However, mundane astrology can easily "overwrite" the promises of the natal chart. For example, if a war breaks out this year, it cancels the natal chart's indications of career growth or a wedding for that year.

Astrologers usually study natal charts before mundane astrology.


Horary Astrology

This astrology profoundly integrates into the momentary context of life. Moreover, it is precisely concerned with predicting events within the short context. For example, if you have already lost a ring and are trying to find it, the chart will indicate where and when you will find it. Likewise, if you are already planning a party, you can determine if the rainy weather will postpone it, when it will take place, and whether it will end in sex.

Horary astrology is utterly indifferent to events that are beyond the context of momentary circumstances. For instance, the natal chart suggests a person will fall from a height this year. At the same time, he works in a hazardous industry where a fall is possible. Yet, he comes to you with a question about a Friday party. You won't even suspect his future fall. This event will also be untracked in a horary chart.

This astrology is the simplest and is the starting point for studying prognostication.

Application of Three Types of Astrology

I started with the statement that predictive astrology has a distinct practical value - avoiding dangerous situations (or enhancing good opportunities). For example:

  • If you see in a mundane chart that war is looming in your region, it's a good reason to change your residence in advance. If you see that another region will experience prosperity, it's a good indication of where to consider moving.
  • If you see in a natal chart that there is a danger of falling from a height on a specific day, it's a reason to avoid any possibility of being in an elevated position on that particular day of the month. And if you see that a specific year promises business success, it's a good reason to open a business in advance.
  • If, in a horary chart, you see that a conflict with your boss awaits you at the end of the month, and your boss is already showing dissatisfaction with your slowness, it's a reason to proactively address any gaps in the project and thereby avoid the conflict or even the dismissal indicated by the horary chart.

It's important to remember that circumstances and free will can overwrite any promises of the stars. However, knowing where exactly, when precisely, and under what circumstances to apply your free choice - that's what predictive astrology - mundane, natal, and horary - provides.


Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (MAPAI). About the author