Accurate Astrological Prediction Using a Blind Chart

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Accurate Astrology Prediction Using a Blind Chart

Aug. 18, 2024, 7:17 a.m. Advanced Alexey Borealis 8 min. to read

Yesterday, my student asked me to help analyze a direction in her horoscope. I knew nothing about her life or current circumstances—in this case, the natal chart is called a blind chart.

Astrologers believe it’s nearly impossible to say anything specific using a blind chart. However, by applying the techniques of 17th-century university astrology, we can achieve the impossible—accurately pinpoint the main event of the year.


Choosing a Prominent Direction

I received the following chart:

Date: May 28, 198713:48:00 UTC+04:0039º E 34', 52º N 36'REGIOMNT.Complete AspectPartial Aspect1h17º28'2j08º45'3k05º22'4l13º23'5v24º44'6x25º04'7c17º28'8a08º45'9s05º22'10d13º23'11f24º44'12g25º04'Y20ºa05'R13ºs14'Q06ºd33'W15ºd17'E27ºd23'T04ºf44'<26ºh12'U18ºl44'R10º15º20º25º30ºTfQdRsWdUlYaEd

The student’s question concerned the directions in September 2017.

Significator Promittor Date
< t U (18;j 42') Sep 2017
R q Y (20; a 05') Sep 2017
Y q R (12; s 14') Sep 2017

As you can see, Venus and Jupiter meet twice during this period. However, these two directions actually symbolize the same event. The converse direction of Jupiter to Venus and the direct direction of Venus to Jupiter represent the same event.

Therefore, by default, I will read the direction that more strongly promises an event. The promittor—the part of the horoscope that, together with the celestial sphere, approaches the fixed significator—contains that promise.

A promittor is prominent in a very good or terrible celestial state. In such a case, it either brightly creates benefits or actively causes destruction.

Of the two promittors, Venus is more prominent because Venus is naturally benefic and in its own sign. Whatever this Venus represents in the chart—the removal of evil or the granting of good—it will manifest prominently this year.

Examining the Significator

Now, I examine the significator. Jupiter represents the area of life relative to which the promise exists. For example, if Jupiter indicates illness, and Venus in the natal chart promises something good relative to the 12th house, this direction will relieve a long-term disease. If Jupiter signifies a spouse, and Venus portends love relative to the 7th house (being strongly connected with it), then this direction will bring marriage.

Let’s see which spheres of life Jupiter denotes by its terrestrial state.

  • Jupiter is in the 8th house, which means it can signify death.
  • It rules the 4th house, which means it could indicate a wealthy man from the family or significant real estate.
  • It rules the 7th house, meaning it could represent a wealthy or influential husband or partner.
  • Lastly, Jupiter universally signifies wealth according to the first determination. However, to manifest its natural rulership in this chart, it must have a strong connection with the 2nd house. Such a connection does exist. Indeed, being in the 8th house, Jupiter accidentally rules the opposite 2nd house of money. It means that Jupiter can indeed be a significator of wealth.

In conclusion, Jupiter is a significator of money, a wealthy relative or real estate, a prominent partner, and death.

Finding the Promittor’s Meanings

For this direction to manifest in matters of the 2nd, 4th, 7th, or 8th houses, the promittor, Venus, must also be connected to these houses.

We see that Venus has no connection with the 8th or 4th houses—it doesn’t rule them, isn’t located in them, doesn’t cast aspects to their cusps, and isn’t even the dispositor of their rulers.

However, note that Venus rules the 2nd house of money, which means it creates good things relative to the 2nd house or promises financial gain. So, Venus can fulfill its promise by the end of 2017 when approaching Jupiter as the significator of wealth.

Additionally, the 7th house determines Venus to manifest in love-related matters. Indeed, Venus is the exaltation ruler of the 7th house, casts an aspect to its cusp, and shares the same meaning with it—love and romance. Since Venus is in an excellent celestial state and creates good things relative to romance, it promises a new relationship.

This aligns with Jupiter’s role as the significator of a spouse. So, the direction of Venus as the promittor of love to the significator of a spouse could manifest as meeting a future husband or marriage by the end of 2017.

Of course, if the native is already married, this direction won’t materialize. But I’m unaware of any details about her life. This is why the blind charts are so challenging.

My student wanted to understand if the direction of Venus to Jupiter could bring about the purchase of a house, as Jupiter rules the 4th house in the chart. My answer is no. For a house purchase to occur, the promittor of the new property would need to approach Jupiter as the significator of real estate. However, Venus, which brings luck in certain areas of life, isn’t connected to the 4th house of property. It cannot create any good in the 4th house matters, meaning it doesn’t promise new real estate.

But Jupiter, as a natural ruler of rich people and the ruler of the 4th house of family members, represents a wealthy relative, logically aligning with the promise of significant wealth. We can interpret Jupiter’s movement toward Venus as “a wealthy male relative/money” approaching the ruler of the 2nd house, Venus.

However, it’s not guaranteed that the money will come specifically from a wealthy relative—the potential income sources remain unknown until we examine the solar return chart.

Thus, the prominent direction could bring either finances or a husband.

Adjacent Direction

I also noticed that just before this direction, there’s another, purely financial direction: a favorable Saturn’s sextile in place of Saturn’s exaltation approaches the significator of wealth, the Part of Fortune.

To be a promittor of money, Saturn, or its promising sextile, must be closely connected to the 2nd house. So, once again, I refer to the radix.

Indeed, Saturn rules the 2nd house by exaltation, and its sextile in 18 degrees of Libra falls right in the middle of the 2nd house of money. Yes, this direction promises wealth and co-occurs with the subsequent one. Typically, if two adjacent directions share the same meaning, that meaning is the one that will manifest.

So, in the first direction, when choosing between the two events—“meeting a husband/marriage” and “financial gain”—I choose the latter. Two prominent adjacent directions promising wealth are strong indicators of the year’s main event.

However, we must confirm that the solar return chart confirms the promises of both directions.

Confirmation by the Solar Return

I will turn to the solar return and start with the 1st and 10th houses. These houses will indicate how successful the native’s life and activities will be this year. After all, if I see that the year will be full of misfortunes and losses, it will significantly diminish the potential for the wealth promised by the directions in question.

Solar: May 27, 201716:06:25 UTC37º E 44', 55º N 55'REGIOMNT.Complete AspectPartial Aspect1k19º19'2l14º06'3v26º21'4c13º26'5a12º09'6s01º14'7s19º19'8d14º06'9f26º21'10h13º26'11j12º09'12k01º14'R20ºa54'E13ºs16'Q06ºd33'T24ºd39'W02ºf57'Y13ºj28'R<15ºl43'U25ºl51'R10º15º20º25º30ºWfQdEsYjRaTdUl

The ruler of the 1st house is the malefic Mars, placed in the unfavorable 8th house. Mars also rules the radical 8th house. It strongly connects the native with death this year. If the previous direction had promised death, with such a solar return, I would be very concerned about the native’s fate.

Fortunately, the solar return only confirms or refutes the indications given by directions, but it does not independently produce significant events, as some modern astrologers believe. So, of course, no, there will be no death or fatal injury due to Mars’s nature. The fact that the native is alive and well further confirms this point.

However, the fact that an unfavorable planet has ended up in an unfavorable house and has become the ruler of life for the coming year immediately cancels the promise of a financially prosperous year.

Mars expresses itself through its dispositor, Mercury, who in this chart rules the 10th house and is located in the 6th. The 10th house represents the native’s overall activities, while the 6th signifies low-paying work or work done out of necessity.

Since Mercury, who rules the 10th house in the radix, has also become the ruler of the 10th in the solar return, it has repeated its radical role—this means that this particular Mercury’s significance will manifest this year. Therefore, the year will be full of activity.

However, since Mercury is also in the 6th house of need, we specify that this refers to active efforts in the struggle for basic needs. The nature of Mars, the ruler of the 1st house, also indicates a mobilization of forces this year.

Notice what I am doing here.

First, I look for repeating roles of the planets, meaning the roles they play in the radix that they repeat in the solar return. For example, Mercury rules active endeavors in the radix (it shows active endeavors during specific periods of life), and in this solar return chart, it repeats this role (active endeavors will happen this year).

Second, I consider the intersection of different meanings for the same planet. For instance, I seek something familiar between Mercury’s significator of active endeavors and its role as work in need. Earlier, I examined Jupiter in the radix as a family member (as the ruler of the 4th), a wealthy individual, and simultaneously as a male planet) according to Jupiter’s nature). Ultimately, I interpreted it as “a wealthy male relative.”

Third, I search for connections between multiple planets that are logically related. For example, Mercury—which signifies activity this year—and Mars—which represents life this year—are logically connected since life and activity are intertwined. If activity is associated with need and life with struggle (according to Mars’ nature), it’s clear that the year’s central theme will be the struggle to meet basic needs.

Fourth, I firmly refuse to assign planets in the solar return chart meanings they cannot bear this year without solid justification. For example, although the ruler of life is in the 8th house, it rules the radical 8th house and carries the nature of fatal injuries. I refuse to assign Mars the meaning of a mortal threat or injury because the year’s directions leave Mars no chance to fulfill such a role in 2017.

So far, I have found no confirmation of financial success this year. Moreover, when I look at Venus, the ruler of the radix’s 2nd house of money, I see that it is in a place of its detriment this year. The year indeed promises to be one of need.

However, we still have another financial direction in which, in addition to Venus as the promittor of money, there is another promittor of money—Saturn. I look at Saturn in the solar return and immediately find it together with the natural significator of wealth—the Part of Fortune—in this year’s 2nd house of money. Saturn and the Part of Fortune are repeating or confirming their financial roles promised by the natal chart and the directions for wealth. We can say that this position in the solar return strongly confirms the first direction.

Next, Jupiter, the natural significator of money in the second direction, has taken on the role of this year’s finances, being the ruler of the solar 2nd house and the dispositor of two financial significators within the solar 2nd house. Thus, Jupiter has also repeated its radix role as the significator of money, specifically for this year.

At the same time, note that Mercury, the significator of labor in need this year, has approached 13 degrees of Taurus, the exact degree where Venus—the fortunate promittor of financial inflow in the direction for wealth—is located in the radix. Undoubtedly, significant wealth will come. Still, it will come at a moment of acute need.

Refining the Event Details

Usually, the solar return confirms the event and clarifies some of its details. Take note of the following recurring connections:

  • Jupiter, the significator of money in the radix and the solar return, becomes the ruler of the 4th house this year.
  • Mars is located in the 8th house this year, thus accidentally taking on the meaning of the opposite house of money. This same Mars rules the 5th house, connecting finances with the 5th.
  • Similarly, Jupiter, wealth, has entered the 11th house this year, accidentally taking on the meaning of the opposite 5th house.
  • Venus, the ruler of money in the radix, has also entered the 5th house this year.

Why do I place so much emphasis on the 4th and 5th houses regarding finances? Because the planets involved in both financial directions are connected with these houses.


  • Saturn, involved in the direction for wealth, is located in the 4th house in the radix and rules the 5th.
  • Jupiter, engaged in the direction for wealth, governs the 4th house in the radix.

Thus, the connection between this year’s finances and the 4th and 5th houses, which I noted at the very beginning, is firmly repeated in the solar return. This indicates that the money will come from matters related to the 4th and 5th houses.

Notably, in both the radix and the solar return, the 4th house is ruled by Jupiter, which can represent either a wealthy relative from whom the money will come or a large property whose sale will also bring in money.

The fifth house might signify money from a family member, the sale of a property (which aligns with the previous statement), or a child. Thus, a child could somehow become a source of money.

I have no context regarding the native’s life—I don’t know if she has children, a large home, or a wealthy relative. Therefore, I presented three possible scenarios.

My forecast is as follows:

This year will be marked by acute financial need, but a significant sum of money will arrive at the end of the year. It may come from a wealthy family member, such as a father, uncle, or another male relative, from the sale of a house, from a child, or a combination of these sources.

Why can I confidently speak about the end of the year without casting additional lunar charts or directions derived from the solar return? It’s simple. If the money had come at the beginning of the solar year, the solar return wouldn’t show financial hardship. We wouldn’t see indicators of labor for little pay or an exiled Venus. Therefore, the money can only appear at the end of the year. This conclusion follows basic logic.

When I shared my forecast, the student was very excited. The fact is, I accurately described the events of that year without knowing anything about her life. Indeed, the entire year was very challenging financially, and at the end of the year, her wealthy father-in-law gave her a significant sum of money. At the same time, she received a substantial payout from the government—a maternity capital grant for her child. Thus, the child also became a source of income.

Could This Be a Coincidence?

If I were to randomly survey 1,000 people on the street, asking them to guess the main event of the year in a stranger’s life while leaving open the possibility that no significant event might occur, relatively few would predict a successful and sudden windfall. Even fewer would specify that it would happen at the end of the year, and very few would say that the source of the money would be a child or a wealthy relative.

The probability of randomly guessing such events approaches zero. However, with the techniques of Jean-Baptiste Morin and the methods of 17th-century university astrology, we can achieve the seemingly impossible—foreseeing life events in remarkable detail.

Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (MAPAI). About the author