Example of Radicality Assessment for Refining Significators

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Horary about registration

May 11, 2024, 10:37 p.m. Advanced Alexey Borealis 3 min. to read

This is an example of a classic horary question in which it's not obvious which planet to use as the significator for the querent.

The girl is seriously ill and is in a foreign country. To get the medicine, she needs a local registration. The question is: "Will I be able to get the registration and the medicine?"


Horary Chart

Вопрос: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 j 22º 06' k 15º 49' l 17º 35' v 28º 10' c 04º 06' a 00º 13' a 22º 06' s 15º 49' d 17º 35' f 28º 10' h 04º 06' j 00º 13' T 14º s 05' { 18º d 11' < 10º f 41' W 03º k 50' } 18º l 11' R 02º x 51' U 05º x 37' Y 10º x 44' Q 15º x 15' E 24º x 52' R Feb 03, 202122:44:00UTC+02:0035º E 02', 48º N 28' 10º 15º 20º 25º 30º R x W k U x Y x T s Q x E x

Question about getting the registration.

Problem of Significator Placement

The problem is that it is unclear where to look. If we address the central question about the medicine, then the significator for the medicine could be Mercury, as there's no astrological house for medicines. But if it's about obtaining official documents from the state, then it might refer to the ruler of the 11th house. We've previously discussed the issue of confusion with significators.

In such cases, the method of determining the radicality of the chart helps, as it shows what the querent is actually interested in.

True Subject of the Question

If we go through the indicators of radicality, we'll see that:

  • Venus is in the 4th house.
  • Venus is in a sign other than the IC sign but also under the rulership of the lord of the 4th house.

It means that the 4th house is highlighted twice. Although Mercury (medicine) is important in this question, it is highlighted only once—the Moon is in conjunction with Mercury by antiscion.

Usually, conjunction by antiscion indicates what the client hides from others. In the context of the question, it turned out that the girl wanted to obtain the registration through an expedited procedure illegally. Hence, the meaning of the antiscion becomes clear. But still, the girl is determining if she can solve the issue this way.

The Sun, which hides Mercury, further confirms the context—the querent will obtain the medicine hiddenly (through a not entirely transparent procedure for obtaining temporary registration).

The fourth house is actively highlighted compared to others. But how is it related to the context of the question? It has many meanings, for example:

  • Father and his condition.
  • Ancestors.
  • Buried treasures.
  • Piece of land owned by the querent.
  • Homeland (territory belonging to the querent).
  • Wells, mine.

One of the meanings of this house logically relates to the question. It's the territory owned by the querent or connected with her. To get the medicine, belonging to a local territory (a registration in that city) is necessary.

Since the chart doesn't leave us any other paths to solve the question, all we have at our disposal is the main quesited—the ruler of the 4th house. Figuratively speaking, it's a new "small homeland" for the querent, which she must obtain.

This is the main quesited of the question. Notice, it's different from our initial expectations. But this is what the chart itself suggests.

Choosing the Technique

According to the algorithm for analyzing horary charts, after determining the significators, we must select the appropriate technique to apply to the chosen planets.

We'll use the technique of exact aspects to determine the timing of obtaining the registration.

The Moon translates light from Venus to Saturn in 2 degrees, which means the girl will get the registration in 2 units of time. The aspect will occur on a square, so we expect delays and obstacles along the way.

Since we have no signs that the medicine will come out from under combustion, its acquisition could be legal (transparent), and the Moon is in an applying conjunction with Mercury by antiscia, we understand that obtaining the registration will happen through a non-transparent, i.e., expedited procedure.

In this situation, the "shady" solution of getting the registration takes days. So, two units of time are two days. Therefore, our forecast is as follows: The girl will get the registration (not entirely legally) in two days, but with difficulties and obstacles according to the nature of the square.

And it happened as predicted.

As you can see, without applying the radicality assessment technique, we wouldn't be able to correctly place the chart's main significators and make the right judgment.

Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (MAPAI). About the author