How to Read a Natal Chart?

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How to Read a Natal Chart?

June 16, 2024, 8:02 a.m. Alexey Borealis 8 min. to read

To read a natal chart, you need to follow several steps:

  1. First, you need to focus only on the 1st and 10th houses of the horoscope to assess the native's life and activities in general, and only then consider everything else.
  2. Remember that several planets are related to these houses, indicating the native's life and activities. Therefore, in the second step, you must identify all these planets. Astrologers call it assessing the terrestrial state.
  3. To understand the effects of these planets and what they create or destroy in the native's life and activities, you need to assess their celestial state.
  4. Wherever possible, look for intersections of the natural and accidental significators. For example, naturally, Jupiter rules money, and it is in the 2nd house, which Mercury rules. In that case, Jupiter, not Mercury, will primarily indicate money. And if Jupiter is debilitated, it will cause a loss of money rather than its acquisition.
  5. Always test your hypotheses about a particular action of the planet in the horoscope using the method of primary directions: compare your predictions with known reality. Below in the article, I will show you how to do this.


Example Chart

Here is a "blind" chart. I will examine the 1st and 10th houses to understand the general "profile" of the native's life and activities.

Date: Mar 14, 187911:30:00 UTC+00:5309º E 59', 48º N 24'REGIOMNT.Полный аспектЧастичный аспект1f08º55'2f29º47'3g17º30'4h09º20'5j15º38'6l05º01'7v08º55'8v29º47'9x17º30'10c09º20'11a15º38'12d05º01'R16ºa58'W14ºl24'T26ºv54'Y27ºx29'Q23ºc30'<29ºc49'E03ºa08'U04ºa11'10º15º20º25º30ºEaUaWlRaQcTvYx

Planets Determined by the 10th house

Within the 10th house is an entire stellium of planets—all contributing to the native's activities. But one stands out from the rest— it is the leader that sets the tone for the native's life. In this horoscope, it is the Sun, which simultaneously:

  • Shares a common nature with the 10th house (as according to the first determination it indicates fame and success) and
  • Stays closer to the cusp of the house than any other planet. Remember, the closer a planet is to the cusp, the more strongly it is determined to the matters of the corresponding house.

Therefore, the Sun most prominently expresses the affairs of the 10th house. Moreover, it conjuncts with the cusp and simultaneously rules two other planets in the 10th house. Additionally, the Sun conceals these planets in its rays, further dominating them.

Undoubtedly, the Sun is the main planet regarding the affairs of the 10th house.

Assessing the Celestial State of the Leading Planet

The Sun is a natural or universal benefic. It is not debilitated; moreover, it is strengthened by favorable aspects. It means the Sun will create something good in the affairs of the 10th house according to its celestial state.

Intersection of the Natural and Accidental Significations of the Planet

Universally, the Sun indicates fame and success. Accidentally, as the leading planet in the 10th house, it also shows fame and success. The nature of the planet and the nature of the house fully coincide. Undoubtedly, the Sun promises to bring significant fame and recognition more than anything else. But what will this fame be related to?

For this, we must consider the dispositor of the Sun—Jupiter. Like any planet, the Sun expresses itself through its dispositor. By its nature, Jupiter signifies science, jurisprudence, and religion among professions. Simultaneously, it occupies the 9th House of Science and Religion.

At the intersection of these meanings, Jupiter immediately outlines the area of fame—science, jurisprudence, or religion among all other professions. We see the profile of an outstanding scientist, lawyer, or clergyman.

Continuing to Look for Intersections of Meanings

On the other hand, the next most significant planet determined by the 10th house is Mercury. By its nature, Mercury indicates any scientific or commercial activity but is not related to religion or jurisprudence. Only science remains the most likely activity at the intersection of meanings, supported by various indications. Thus, an outstanding scientist is more expected than a famous priest or judge.

Other Planets Associated with the 10th House

Saturn in the 10th house is a destroyer of the native's affairs and undertakings—it is a malefic in exile. It promises to bring misfortune to the 10th house's affairs—difficulties according to its nature and open enemies and mortal threats according to the nature of the unfavorable houses it rules.

Saturn closely connects with Mercury. Hence, besides its role in scientific activity, Mercury tends to take on roles with negative connotations due to Saturn. Nothing is inherently negative in Mercury's nature, but accidentally, it rules one unfavorable house—the 12th. Therefore, Mercury will more likely play this unfavorable role in the affairs of the 10th house due to its connection with Saturn. Mercury promises serious illnesses, hidden enemies, exile, or imprisonment related to the native's activities or public life.

Note. Notice that the same planet—Mercury—plays completely different roles regarding the 10th house. On the one hand, it indicates scientific activity, as we showed earlier. On the other, it indicates illnesses, exile, and hidden enemies. Mercury's unfavorable aspects will produce unfavorable events in the native's activities. In contrast, Mercury's favorable aspects will produce neutral or favorable events related to science.

Fixed Stars

On the cusp of the 10th house is the star Fomalhaut. The legend of this star is associated with escaping from pursuing enemies. It predicts persecution but promises ultimate success. Again, we see the repetition of a familiar pattern—persecution related to public or scientific activity.

Let's step away from the 10th house and look at mortal threats. The exalted Mars on the cusp of the 8th house repeats a familiar promise—it creates mortal threats (according to its universal nature and position on the cusp of the 8th house). Simultaneously, it protects against death according to its favorable celestial state.

The threats of persecution with a successful outcome (according to Fomalhaut and Mars on the cusp of the 8th), direct enemies/mortal threats (according to Saturn's terrestrial state), and illnesses (according to Saturn's nature) correspond much more to the meanings of exile and severe illnesses of the 12th house than to prisons and intrigues. Therefore, we expect illnesses, exile, and persecution from Mercury's unfavorable directions rather than prisons and intrigues.

Thus, we have the horoscope of a famous scientist with a complicated fate, convicted to endure many illnesses, be exiled or persecuted by enemies, face mortal threats, and escape them.


Now, let's delve into the 1st house, which represents the native's life.

Its ruler, the Moon, is located in the 6th house, symbolizing deprivation and hard work for meager earnings. Additionally, it takes on the role of the opposite 12th house, implying a life in exile.

By nature, the Moon indicates movements and relocations—at the intersection of its natural and accidental significations. We again see the familiar pattern of life in exile or immigration.

Jupiter is the second planet strongly associated with the 1st house. It is both the secondary ruler of the 1st house and its exaltation ruler. You can see more examples of assessing the connection between the house and the planet in this article. But we already know that Jupiter indicates the native's area of fame, his outstanding scientific achievements. Now, we see even more the connection between the native's life and his scientific activities.

But Jupiter has another meaning, regarding not the 10th house, but the 1st house, that is, the native's life in general.

While the Moon suggests a life in constrained circumstances or exile due to its position in the 6th house, Jupiter also rules the 6th house, thus again connecting the native to limited circumstances. However, it does this in a completely different way. Recall that the Moon creates wanderings and exile in constrained circumstances because its nature is movement and relocation.

Jupiter has a different story. It is a gentle, benefic planet, and its abundant nature works against the matters of the 6th house. We expect that such a Jupiter will eliminate or mitigate the harsh living conditions. More specifically, scientific pursuits will support the native during periods of financial difficulty.

This is further confirmed by the fact that Jupiter also rules the 2nd house by exaltation and is simultaneously the natural significator of wealth. At the intersection of these significations, it takes on an additional role—it brings money to the native.

In summary, Jupiter acts as a breaker of harsh financial conditions.

Whose Horoscope Is This?

This was the horoscope of Albert Einstein1, who the Germans persecuted during World War II, exiled from his country, and endured periods of extreme need, leading to chronic illnesses. Despite these difficulties, he was passionately devoted to one field—science. His genius compelled him to pursue this field, even when his teachers closed the doors to science for him in his youth.

With such a strong inclination towards science, we expect that during periods between prominent directions, which incline the native towards specific actions to realize the promised events, Albert Einstein would not be left to his own devices, unlike an ordinary person. He would not have time to seek his calling while waiting for the following prominent direction. He will devote all his time to the subject of his passion, stemming from the 1st and 10th houses.

Testing the Significators with Primary Directions

Let's check how accurately we have identified the planets and their specific actions concerning the 10th house by comparing the predictions made using the primary directions method with the known reality.

We will examine examples of how the same promittor, promising several events in different areas of life, creates specific events when it reaches the significator of the corresponding area of life.

For example, Jupiter's degree relative to the cusp of the 10th house (the significator of activity) indicates scientific activity in general, while relative to the Sun in the 10th house (the significator of fame and recognition), it points to significant scientific achievements leading to recognition and fame.

Let's check one of these assertions and direct Jupiter to the Sun. According to our predictions, this direction should bring scientific recognition by the end of 1906.

What happened in reality? A year earlier, unknown to the world, Albert Einstein presented his scientific work to the University of Zurich for review. This was not his first attempt to share his thoughts with the academic world. However, reviewers had rejected all his previous papers. However, in 1906, academic society highly appreciated this work, and it soon attracted significant attention from the scientific community, earning Einstein a doctorate. In 1906, the world's leading scientists learned about the existence of the young genius—Albert Einstein. This year was the beginning of the tremendous scientific fame of the scientist. It is a classic example of an initiating direction.

Next, we asserted that Jupiter is a breaker of constrained financial circumstances. Let's test this assertion in practice.

If we direct the favorable sextile of Jupiter (which falls into the 11th house of income or supportive friends) to the significator of financial inflow—the Part of Fortune—we can determine the moment of economic improvement.

This aspect indicates June 1902. So, we expect the cycle of financial hardship to end in the summer of 1902.

What happened in reality? Einstein had nothing to live on for the past two years, and he was starving all this time. Then, in July 1902, just a month after this direction occurred, his university friend helped him get a position at the patent office with a small salary. This was an excellent relief for Einstein. It is a classic example of a liberating direction, ending a long period of financial difficulties.

Let's test another signification of the same Jupiter.

Jupiter also indicates the native's state of health as the ruler of the 1st house by exaltation and the dispositor of the Moon—the ruler of the Ascendant. Therefore, unfavorable aspects of Jupiter will show periods of life with fragile health.

So, if we direct an unfavorable aspect of Jupiter to the significator of illness, we will determine the date of illness. Let's check this in practice.

For example, Jupiter's trine in Gemini—the place of Jupiter's exile, whose dispositor is the ruler of the 12th house—promises a period of life with fragile health.

The direction of this promittor to Mercury—the ruler of the 12th house, acting together with Saturn—the natural ruler of severe illnesses and death and the accidental ruler of the 8th house of death—indicates December 1954. So, we expect the beginning of a severe disease at the turn of 1954 and 1955.

In early 1955, Einstein's condition sharply deteriorated, and a severe illness led to his death in April 1955. It is another initiating direction, starting the period of a fatal disease leading to death.

As you can see, our assessments of the actions of the planets in the natal chart were quite accurate.

Note. Jupiter and its aspects contain different promises regarding various areas of life. But when we direct them to the significators of these areas, the corresponding promises materialize.

Thus, the planets fulfill their different roles (various promises) in the chronological sequence of events. This is how the thread of fate is woven. It is the essence of primary directions.

Now you understand the absurdity of popular questions among astrologers like "What does my Venus mean in the horoscope?" This is like asking: "What does Jupiter mean in Einstein's horoscope?" Jupiter has many roles, and each manifests in its time.

Therefore, the correct question is: "What does Jupiter signify in a certain period of life (i.e., during a certain direction) regarding a specific significator in such-and-such a current life context of the native?"

You can start reading the natal chart by asking the question this way.

  1. In the sources, you will find that at the time of Einstein's birth in the city of Ulm (Germany), the GMT offset was 40 minutes, not 53, as indicated in my example.

    On the surface, this seems logical. Albert Einstein was born at 11:30 local mean time (LMT). This means that the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset is calculated using the formula 24/360×λ, where λ is the latitude of birth. This gives 40 minutes.

    However, according to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), in 1879 local time in Ulm differed from LMT by 13 minutes. This was not uncommon in Europe—city administrations made decisions about small shifts in local city time based on logistical and other considerations. The IANA database takes these additional offsets into account. 

Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (QHC, DMA). About the author