Which Gems Correspond to Mars?

BlogAstrology BasicsAstro-Gemology
Mars Gems

Feb. 18, 2025, 11:14 a.m. Beginner Alexey Borealis 1 min. to read

Mars gems share similar characteristics. They have a common color, optical properties, origin, composition, and physical structure.


Which Gems Correspond to Mars?

  • Red Jasper
  • Tiger's Iron
  • Carnelian
  • Garnet

What do these gems have in common?

Parameter Description
Color Martian gems are red or brown in color
Optical Properties They have a characteristic metallic luster
Origin They are formed from the fossilized parts of predatory creatures (e.g., arthropods)
Composition They contain iron (Fe), often giving them magnetic properties
Structure Martian gems are very hard

For example, consider red jasper. It is a pure Mars gem:

  • It is red
  • It has high hardness (7 out of 10)
  • It contains magnetite, based on iron

Martian Gems Can Also Correspond to the Sun, Saturn, Venus, Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn

Gems can correspond to multiple planets, linked by the principles of sympathy and antipathy. In such cases, gems exhibit mixed physical characteristics.

Example of a gem of mixed nature: Amethyst. The Jupiterian blue color is combined with Mars’ red. Additionally, amethyst contains iron. Mars and Jupiter are connected by principles of antipathy.

Another example is Tiger's Eye. It’s a blend of Mars and Saturn (red and blue stripes), and the optical luster brings in the nature of the Sun. This is an example of triple planetary rulership. Mars, Saturn, and the Sun are linked by principles of both sympathy and antipathy.

Other examples of mixed Martian gems:

  • Hematite, Magnetite (Mars and Saturn, allies by sympathy)
  • Star Ruby (Mars and the Sun, allies by sympathy)

Information about the planetary rulers of a gem can help you deepen your understanding of gem astrology and lithotherapy.


Why Select Gems According to the Planets?

It is believed that the correct selection of gems can adjust the influence of planets on a person's current life period. When worn at the right time, minerals can harmonize the energy of active planets and prevent unwanted consequences.

I believe that gems influence our inner state, which in turn shapes our behavior and decisions, determining the course of future events.

For example, if the debilitated Moon predicts misfortune or illness in a given period, and Mars can soften its effects (according to solar return charts and directions), wearing Martian gems is a good choice. They will help maintain emotional balance and prevent mistakes.

To select the right gems, you need to understand planetary influences. This is what we study in our predictive astrology course.

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Alexey Borealis

Alexey Borealis

Master of Science in Physics, Professional astrologer (MAPAI). About the author