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Advanced Natal Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis
Transits are not an independent forecasting technique. To understand how transits actually work, let's consider the example of the King of Sweden.
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Intermediate States of the Planets Alexey Borealis
What are the types of planetary determination? How is it used in astrology, and why is it important for any astrologer to know?
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Intermediate Celestial Geometry Alexey Borealis
How the celestial sphere and the points of equinoxes and solstices appear from the perspective of an Earth-based observer. The connection of these poi
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Intermediate Celestial Geometry Alexey Borealis
How tropical signs differ from sidereal signs. What precession and astrological ages are. Is there an Ophiuchus sign?
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Intermediate Celestial Geometry Alexey Borealis
The four important points of the zodiac circle: How they appear on the celestial sphere. An article for beginner astrologers.
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Advanced Horary Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis
In this example, you will learn that not all planets are suitable for determining the timing of an event. We will select the correct significator in t
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Advanced Aspects Alexey Borealis
How planets act through their aspects and why the same planet produces different effects. Favorable and Unfavorable aspects and their strengths.
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Advanced Forecasting Horary Techniques Alexey Borealis
Many of you may have heard that if a planet is within 5 degrees of the cusp of a house, it is considered to belong to that house already.
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Advanced Horary Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis
See how we can establish the true nature of the question using the radicality assessment method and identify the significators.
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Beginner Astrology Basics Alexey Borealis
This helpful reference article lists planets and their associated objects. We recommend bookmarking this post for future reference.
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