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The 5-degree rule in horary astrology
The 5-Degree Rule in Horary Astrology

Advanced Forecasting Horary Techniques Alexey Borealis

Many of you may have heard that if a planet is within 5 degrees of the cusp of a house, it is considered to belong to that house already.

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Horary about registration
Example of Radicality Assessment for Refining Significators

Advanced Horary Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

See how we can establish the true nature of the question using the radicality assessment method and identify the significators.

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The meaning of the planets
The Meaning of the Planets in Astrology

Beginner Astrology Basics Alexey Borealis

This helpful reference article lists planets and their associated objects. We recommend bookmarking this post for future reference.

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Astrology Houses Explained
Astrology Houses Explained

Beginner Astrology Houses Alexey Borealis

What is the meaning of houses in astrology? How to use them, and what do they look like? The archetypes of astrology houses. A beginner's guide.

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Transits to horary charts
Transits Relative to Horary Charts

Advanced Horary Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

Transits to horary charts are a new forecasting technique discovered accidentally during the hypothesis testing of the 17th-century astrologer and mat

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Arabian Parts
Arabian Parts in Horary Astrology

Advanced Forecasting Horary Techniques Alexey Borealis

Arabian parts are fictitious points of a horoscope. They signify the object (like surgery or divorce) when there is no astrological house for it.

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The Fixed Stars in Astrology
The Fixed Stars in Astrology

Intermediate Forecasting Horary Techniques Alexey Borealis

A detailed guide for astrologers on working with fixed stars. Contains a list of the brightest stars. We recommend bookmarking it for future reference

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Radicality of the Horary Chart
Radicality of the Horary Chart

Advanced Forecasting Horary Techniques Alexey Borealis

A horary chart may not contain an answer to the question asked, or contain an answer to something that was not asked. This is a property of radicality

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Confusion With Significators
Confusion With Significators in Horary Charts

Advanced Forecasting Horary Techniques Alexey Borealis

Often astrologers choose the wrong planets to focus on, leading to prediction errors. Learn how to avoid these mistakes in this article.

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The Horary Question Context
The Horary Question Context

Advanced Forecasting Horary Techniques Alexey Borealis

Often astrologers don't separate the context from the subject in a horary question. Moreover, they do not even know what it is. Let's illustrate it.

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