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Sun Gems
Which Gems Correspond to the Sun?

Beginner Astro-Gemology Alexey Borealis

Which gems are connected to the Sun’s energy, and what are their properties? Read the article to learn more!

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Principles of Sympathy and Antipathy in Astrology
Principles of Sympathy and Antipathy in Astrology

Beginner Astrology Basics Alexey Borealis

Unveil the secrets of harmony and disharmony of things from an astrological perspective. Read this article to learn more.

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Forecast of Infidelity and Divorce Through Horary Astrology: A Real-Life Example
Example of a Forecast of Infidelity and Divorce

Advanced Horary Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

A Real-Life Example of an Accurate Forecast of Infidelity and Divorce 2.5 Months Before the Actual Event.

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The 1st House in Astrology
The 1st House in Astrology

Beginner Astrology Houses Alexey Borealis

Find out the meaning of the 1st house in horary, medical, and natal astrology. Where is the 1st house located, and what does it govern?

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lunar node
Rahu and Ketu: Unveiling the Mystery of the Lunar Nodes

Beginner Astrology Basics Alexey Borealis

What are lunar nodes, and how do they affect different charts? Is it true that lunar nodes hold such great significance?

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The 5th House in Astrology
The 5th House in Astrology

Beginner Astrology Houses Alexey Borealis

Find out the meaning of the 5th house in horary, medical, and natal astrology. Where is the 5th house located, and what does it govern?

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Relocation and Solar Return
Does Relocation Really Work?

Advanced Natal Forecasts Examples Alexey Borealis

Celebrating a solar return in a new place doesn’t work in practice the way we might expect. Discover the reasons why.

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The 8th House in Astrology
The 8th House in Astrology

Beginner Astrology Houses Alexey Borealis

Find out the meaning of the 8th house in horary, medical, and natal astrology. Where is the 8th house located, and what does it govern?

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Astrologer Interview
Interview with an Astrologer: A Prediction Is Like a Game of Chess

Beginner Astrology Basics Alexey Borealis

How predictive astrology differs from modern one. Why are precise forecasts important, and how can they be achieved?

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